Friday, November 5, 2010
Project Mahathir: ‘Extraordinary’ Population Growth in Sabah
The Malaysian state of Sabah faced an “extraordinary” population growth during the last decades. Illegal immigrants are said to have been issued Malaysian Identity Cards based on false statutory declarations. The so-called “Project Mahathir” changed Sabah’s ethnic make-up as well as the participation in elections. Politicians are said to have made use of “phantom voters” in order to decide Sabah elections. Finally, with the help of a petition Sabah-based NGO’s demand an investigation into the case: Those who are responsible for the massive influx of illegal immigrants may soon be charged.
Key words: Project Mahathir, Sabah, illegal immigrants, population growth
Although Sabah is the second largest state in Malaysia, it has played an insignificant role in Malaysian politics until the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) discovered its potential. When Dr Mahathir Mohamad took over the premiership in 1981, Sabah’s politics were considered as underdeveloped (Brown 2004: 231) – but from the 1990s on, the Malay party UMNO transformed Sabah into a state that actively participates in Malaysian politics.
During the last decades, Sabah saw an “extraordinary” population growth. A large number of illegal immigrants crossed the Sabahan borders which became apparent as “phantom voters” in Sabah state elections (Loh 2005: 102). Sabahan ethnic groups such as Kadazandusuns and Muruts feel threatened by the growing Muslim community in the state: The UMNO membership has jumped to about half a million, allowing UMNO to increase its influence in the state. Who is to blame for the increasing number of “phantom voters” in the state? Leaders of Sabah-based NGOs recently stirred up the debate on the sudden demographic change by accusing former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad of having supported the legalisation of illegal immigrants from neighbouring countries.
They started a signature campaign to urge the King of Malaysia to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) investigating the circumstances that led to this demographic change. The RCI could finally clarify the role of governmental authorities accused to have deliberately given Malaysian ICs to half a million illegal immigrants in an operation called “Project Mahathir”.
The History of Illegal Immigration to Sabah
Regional migration flows within Southeast Asia are not a phenomenon restricted to current times. Social and cultural connections between Sabah, the Southern parts of the Philippines and the Indonesian province of Kalimantan have existed for centuries. The first trade relations, the bartering of goods, linked up the region as early as the ninth century.
The long tradition of border crossing from the Philippine Sulu Archipelago to Sabah originates in the late 16th century. This first wave of migration was linked to the Spanish colonialists who began pushing southwards toward the island provinces Sulu and Tawi-Tawi from Manila, the centre of Spanish power. The struggle for dominance between different ethnic groups and the Spanish in the Southern Philippine region led to increased immigration of Philippine ethnic groups such as Suluks and Bajaus to Sabah.
From the end of the 19th century on, Sabah, formerly known as British North Borneo, was ruled by the British North Borneo Chartered Company (BNBCC). In 1942, the Japanese occupied the state which turned into a British crown colony after the Second World War. Finally, in 1963 Sabah obtained self-government from the British and entered the newly created Malaysian Federation. Despite that, the Philippines made claims to the territory of Sabah. The arrival of the first illegal immigrants in Sabah in the 1960s was said to be associated with the then Philippine president Ferdinand E. Marcos and his country’s claim to the Northern Borneo region (Malaysiakini, 20.3.06). At the same time, a Suluk from the Southern Philippines, Mustapha Datu Harun, held the position of Chief Minister of Sabah. He was believed to have encouraged many Suluks to move to Northern Borneo during his term of office 1967-1976. Mustapha established a strong Muslim community which was represented by the United Sabah National Organisation (USNO).
Of course, the significant migration flows from the Sulu Archipelago to Sabah cannot be explained solely by individual intentions of politicians trying to achieve their political and personal aims: The armed separatist rebellion in the Muslim-predominated Mindanao region of the Philippines caused the second wave of immigration to Sabah in the 1970s. The conflict between the Philippine Army, the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), “a more militant rebel group which split from the MNLF in 1977” (BBC News, 10.2.05), caused the emigration of thousands of Suluk and Bajau. During 1970-1977, the Malaysian Immigration Department issued temporary passes, known as IMM 13 documents, to 57,000 Filipinos who fled the war-torn Southern provinces. The majority of these political refugees settled in coastal towns such as Sandakan or Tawau along the East Coast of Sabah. The temporary migrants became permanent residents and the state’s population increased by thirty percent within a decade: from 653,000 in 1970 to 955,712 in 1980 (Malaysiakini, 10.2.06). In 1978, the Philippines dropped their claim to Sabah. Still, the fear that Northern Borneo could be taken out of Malaysia or that Sabah could lose its sovereignty as a state within a federation remains as the current discussion about a “reverse takeover” (Malaysiakini, 22.6.06) by illegal immigrants reveals.
Project Mahathir: A “Reverse Takeover”?
According to official statistics, the state’s population increased from 653,000 in 1970 to 2.6 million in 2000. This extraordinary growth rate during the last three decades amounts to nearly 300 percent and can only be explained by a massive influx of immigrants. The current state’s total population is even estimated to be in the range of about 3.2 and 3.3 million inhabitants. It is an open secret that Sabah’s demography has been changed by special exercises codenamed “Project 1” and “Project 2” that enabled undocumented immigrants to legalise their status. Under the leadership of Patrick Sindu, the president of the Consumer Association of Sabah and Labuan Federal Territory (Cash), Sabah-based NGOs have recently claimed that there are at least 1.5 million illegal immigrants in the state – half of them are said to have been issued genuine Malaysian Identity Cards.
Headlines in the daily press such as “Politician fears ‘reverse takeover’ of Sabah” (Malaysiakini, 22.6.06), “Warning: Illegals can take over Sabah” (Malaysiakini, 1.8.06) or “Illegals problem in Sabah like ‘cancer’“ (Malaysiakini, 3.8.06) reflect the current outcry against the worrying population explosion. Have Sabahans already lost control over their own territory? Who is to blame for a development that turned natives into a minority in Sabah?
The government agency responsible for issuing Malaysian identification, the National Registration Department (NRD), is accused to have deliberately issued Malaysian ICs to foreigners based on falsified surat akuan (statutory declarations). The point in question is the general practice of distributing Malaysian ICs based on statutory declarations: For the majority of the immigrants coming from the neighbouring countries Indonesia and the Philippines it is easy to pretend being Malaysian since it is hard to distinguish between the various Muslim ethnic groups in Southeast Asia. Different indigenous groups such as Suluks, Illanun and Binadan – summarized by the collective term ‘Bajau’ – have settled throughout the region. Malaysian Bajaus and Bugis closely resemble Filipino Bajaus and Indonesian Bugis in terms of spoken language and physical appearance. Therefore the acceptance of statutory declarations for the registration of citizens offers illegal immigrants an opportunity to easily obtain ICs. The fact that the validity of the surat akuan is difficult to check might have enabled the NRD to deliberately issue a large number of Malaysian ICs to irregular citizens without being controlled sufficiently.
According to Sabah-based NGOs, the immigration of undocumented citizens had already been promoted under the rule of Chief Ministers Mustapha Harun (USNO, 1967-1975) and Harris Salleh (Berjaya, 1976-1985). During the Mindanao conflict, “Project 1” – that is the governmental support secretly given to Philippine immigrants in Sabah – turned into an attractive pull factor. However, in comparison to the number of migrants who crossed the Sabahan borders in the post-1978 period the number of the political refugees coming from the Mindanao region is small (Sadiq 2005: 106).
The reason why Sabah is targeted by many immigrants cannot be reduced to its geographical extent and position. Although the state of Sabah is close to Mindanao and shares cultural ties with the Southern Philippine region the immigrants’ intention to cross the Sabahan borders has presumably been mainly promoted by the second secret governmental operation of “Project 2”, also referred to as Project Mahathir or Project IC. According to non-Muslim Sabahans, Project Mahathir has noticeably influenced the demography of Sabah: More than half a million illegal immigrants are said to have been issued genuine ICs that allowed them to enjoy all the privileges of citizenship, including the right to vote. The legalisation of illegal immigrants can be seen as a cumulative process that encouraged an increasing number of Filipinos and Indonesians to emigrate.
The unregulated influx of foreigners in the nineties drastically changed Sabah’s ethnic composition. Non-Muslim natives allege that Project Mahathir is in fact the codename for a secret political strategy which was supposed to lead to a demographic change. Due to the fact that predominantly Muslim Suluks from the Southern Philippines and Muslim Bugis from Indonesia immigrated to the state of Sabah the local indigenous community of the Kadazandusuns and other indigenous groups lost influence. The preponderance of Filipinos is particularly appearing in towns such as Kinabatangan or Kunak where the native population is outnumbered one to two.
Through the lack of organisation of citizenship immigrants do not necessarily depend on the help of politicians issuing ICs. Citizenship, far from being the most protected form of membership, is weakly institutionalized in Sabah: Inexistent birth certificates and passports among the native population created an unstructured citizen card mess which enables illegal immigrants to live and work without Identity Cards. Due to the fact that the precise number of illegal immigrants is not recordable, estimations of illegal residents fluctuate: While the Philippine embassy in Malaysia has given the figure of 500,000 Filipinos living in Sabah, the Indonesian consul general for Sabah and Sarawak has estimated 250,000 illegal Indonesian immigrants reside in the state. The central Malaysian government, however, denies the dimensions of the massive influx of immigrants. By admitting only 100,000 illegal immigrants in Sabah, Malaysia’s government gives the impression of deliberately covering up the truth. But why should a government support the legalisation of illegal immigrants?
The latest findings concerning the electoral role of illegal immigrants are published in a journal article by Kamal Sadiq (Sadiq 2005). The author explains that illegal immigrants such as Bangladeshis in India or Filipinos in Sabah are often used as voters and therefore play an important part in elections. The active political participation of illegal immigrants is planned and calculated by those who helped them accessing citizenship. The “new citizens” are expected to vote for their benefactors – in Sabah assumingly politicians of the ruling Malay party UMNO. Kamal Sadiq describes motives that could have driven local Malay authorities to encourage illegal immigration into Sabah. The author states that legalising illegal immigrants even evolved into a “preferred strategy of the dominant Malay parties” (Sadiq 2005: 116) which have seen the change in the state’s ethnic make-up in its favour. An increasing Muslim community can ensure political success of the Muslim-led UMNO and support the goals of the Malaysian central government. Although the Project Mahathir case has officially not yet been investigated, the non-Muslim Sabahans have no doubts about governmental involvement of legalising Muslim immigrants from neighbouring states. According to PBS supreme council member Dr Chong Eng Leong, a High Court case in Tawau in 1995 revealed that senior UMNO members helped foreigners to become citizens of Sabah. In addition, he made headlines by urging the Election Commission (EC) to clean up the electoral rolls which are assumed to have been padded with half of Project Mahathir’s IC holders especially in the years 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 (Malaysiakini, 20.6.06). Former senator Dr Chong is convinced that the central government gained political control over Sabah through irregular immigrants registered as voters. For instance, many Filipinos are believed to be issued ICs and told to register as voters instead of being deported and sent home upon their release from the detention center. The growing Muslim community of Sabah cast their votes for the Muslim-led UMNO, which dominates the National Front coalition (Barisan Nasional, BN). The Barisan Nasional coalition traditionally holds State and Federal Government posts in Malaysia. The BN has gained a two third majority in every Malaysian National Parliament since Independence in 1957 – except for the 1969 election (Ufen 2005: 50).
The electoral influence of illegal immigrants in Sabah became apparent in the certified 1999 electoral rolls. They included 150,000 local voters born in the period between 1952 and 1960. However, Sabah Statistics Department data stands in sharp contrast to that number: Between 1952 and 1960, the Sabah-born population increased by only 120,000 (Malaysiakini, 20.6.06). Considering the fact that usually only eighty percent of a generation registers as voters shows that the population of Sabah is indeed expanding extraordinarily. Instead of 100,000, there were 150,000 voters born in this time period who participated in the Sabah election. One third of the voters is assumed to be formed by foreigners. The result of the election reflected the ethnic composition: Dr Mahathir Mohamad (UMNO) turned out as winner. The vote closely followed ethnic lines with predominantly Muslim areas voting for the Barisan Nasional (BN) and the ethnic Kadazandusun population, at that time already a minority in Sabah, voting for the Christian-led PBS which did not join the BN at that time.
Although the natives have recognized the considerable dominance of Filipino immigrants as voters, the reasons behind Project Mahathir have not yet been explored. Recently, former senator Dr Chong Eng Leong has livened up the debate on Project Mahathir by openly accusing former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad of active involvement in the affair for political and economic reasons. Rumours about Project Mahathir have reflected badly on the image of Malaysia’s political system, but the actions of single mavericks like Dr Chong or Patrick Sindu have not yet been successful to call to account those who are to blame for the problem referring to the extra people with Identity Cards.
The recent shift in opinion of the Yayasan Islam Sabah (YIS), a religious foundation led by former Chief Minister Harris Salleh, seems to mark a momentous change in the debate on Project Mahathir. By the end of February 2006 the YIS still asked the federal authorities to acknowledge all surat akuan used for the issuance of ICs (Malaysiakini, 24.2.06). The foundation traditionally denied conflicts rooted in the massive influx of immigrants and defended the validity of statutory declarations. Yet, in the end of June 2006, the YIS finally backed up the call by the Consumer Association of Sabah and Labuan Federal Territory (Cash) that police should investigate the circumstances leading to increased immigration into Sabah. In a statement, YIS Secretary General Raden Kakung even emphasised investigations into the serious allegations referring to the secret projects to be a solemn duty of Sabah police squads.
Finally a group of at least twenty local nongovernmental organisations and the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) are determined to shed light on the secret Project Mahathir. They openly accuse top-level government officials to be directly involved in the affair and demand an investigation by the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI). The NGOs are backed by Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) politicians and numerous indignant citizens who are not only concerned about the large number of foreigners in the state but about the fact that governmental authorities seem to be involved in the secret projects. A petition – seeking 200,000 signatures – is aimed to urge the federal government to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the matter. The RCI is seen as the only possibility to investigate the reason behind the issuance of ICs based on false statutory declarations and to clarify the former prime minister’s role in Project Mahathir. As Sabah seems already to be considered as gateway to Malaysia, activists want the authorities to check the validity of all Identity Cards issued in Sabah – regardless in which state the holder of the Sabahan IC may live and work today. The major signature drive is underway, and the organisers hope to hand the signatures over to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (the King of Malaysia) during the National Day celebrations in Sabah at the end of August.
Dr Mahathir’s “New Bumiputeras”
Analysing issues like ethnicity, citizenship and immigration in the multiethnic country of Malaysia contains difficulties. In contrast to the Chinese and Indian population in Malaysia, the Malays, the orang asli (the indigenous minority peoples of Peninsular Malaysia), and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak belong to the so-called Bumiputera community. Bumiputeras (“sons of the soil”) enjoy a special position in society which is safeguarded by Article 153 of the Malaysian Constitution. In response to 1969’s racial riots between the native Malays and the growing Chinese population in Kuala Lumpur the government implemented the New Economic Policy (NEP) in 1971. The NEP secures enormous privileges to all Bumiputeras. These “bumi privileges” were not only supposed to increase the Malay participation in terms of employment and share capital but to result in the development of a “Malay commercial and industrial community” (Trezzini 2001: 263).
There is a widespread perception that Project Mahathir is a serious menace to the native population of Sabah. The issuance of genuine ICs to illegal immigrants offers foreigners the opportunity to participate in Bumiputera privileges. Filipinos and Indonesians seem to be the “new bumiputeras” competing for entrance in universities or enterprises. These “extra people with Identity Cards” increasingly gain influence and threaten major non-Malay local ethnic groups such as the Kadazandusuns or Muruts who face the problem of being reduced to a minority in their own country.
If the Royal Commission of Inquiry investigated the case and found unequivocal evidence for governmental participation in Project Mahathir, the fact that all the immigrants were “invited” to stay in Malaysia offers several conclusions: Instead of having protected citizenship sufficiently, ICs were given to strangers, which leads to the conclusion that the Malaysian government prefers Muslim foreigners over non-Muslim native citizens of Borneo. There seems to be an hierarchy that puts Muslim Bumiputeras on top of society. Presumably the central government would have never supported a similar influx of Chinese immigrants – the increasing number of Muslims in the Northern Borneo state probably represents the major interest of those responsible for Sabah’s demographic change.
Bumiputera, during Harris Salleh’s term of office in Sabah also referred to as “Pribumi”, can be considered as code for Muslims. When it comes to census categories the terms Bumiputera or Pribumi creates chances to deny or minimize the influx of immigrants. Census manipulation by Bumiputera census categories such as “Malay”, “Bajau”, “Suluk” or “other Bumiputera” cloud the real number of Filipino Bajaus or Indonesian Bugis in the state (Sadiq 2005: 112). These census categories and the underestimation of illegal immigrants in the state indicate that governmental authorities indeed try to hush up their participation in Project Mahathir. The secret Project IC seems to be exposed but as long as the issue has not been investigated, rumours and theories will not be taken seriously – as the unsuccessful efforts of several PBS politicians revealed.
Concluding Remarks
Project Mahathir has already been making the headlines for several years: Sabah-based NGOs have never been as self-assured and successful in pressuring the government to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry as in the past few weeks. The mentioned shift in opinion of YIS authorities confirms the assumption that their recent signature campaign will finally succeed. The consequences of an investigation by the RCI, however, remain vague: Will Filipinos who gained their ICs through fraudulent means be send home? Will false ICs be revoked or at least removed from the election rolls? Since most of the foreigners were issued genuine ICs based on false statutory declarations, it would not be feasible to prove every single immigrant’s identity. As Sabah’s economy depends on foreign workers, the scenario of a collapsing economy will hinder the state from sending Filipinos back home.
Sabah’s transformation into “an apparantly compliant BN stronghold” (Brown 2004: 235) has probably been promoted and planned by Malaysian authorities: “Phantom voters” seem to have played a key role in Sabah politics during the last decade. Evidently, there is a necessity to investigate into the issue. Otherwise the situation in Sabah might easily come to a head – particularly with regard to the next general elections. The change of Sabah’s ethnic make-up contains an ever-increasing potential for conflicts. Non-Muslim natives of Sabah perceive the massive influx of immigrants and the possible “reverse takeover” as a serious threat: It is not only the fear of losing influence in terms of electoral success, the state’s infrastructural congestion is raising concern in addition. Reported crowded schools seem to be the precursor of related problems in the near future. Therefore, a Royal Commission of Inquiry is urgently needed to find a scapegoat for foreigners’ dominance, thus preventing conflicts in the multiethnic state. As long as the background and extent of Project Mahathir remains unsolved, the indigenous groups of Sabah will fear being irreversibly outnumbered and marginalised. The RCI could be the first step to counteract the trend of increasing growth rates and finally stop the practice of issuing ICs to foreigners.
Brown, Graham (2004), “Restraining Autonomy. Politics in Sabah during the Mahathir Years”, in: B. Welsh (ed.), Reflections. The Mahathir Years, Washington: Southeast Asia Studies Program, pp. 231-239
Loh, Francis (2005), “Strongmen and federal politics in Sabah”, in: M. Puthucheary/N. Othman (ed.), Elections and Democracy in Malaysia, Bangi: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, pp. 71-117
Sadiq, Kamal (2005), “When States prefer Non-Citizens over Citizens: Conflict over Illegal Immigration into Malaysia”, in: International Studies Quarterly, 49, pp. 101-122
Trezzini, Bruno (2001), Staat, Gesellschaft und Globalisierung: Entwicklungstheoretische Betrachtungen am Beispiel Malaysias, Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde
Ufen, Andreas (2005), “Die 11. nationalen Wahlen in Malaysia. Semi-kompetitive Wahlen, Konfliktlinien und Demokratisierungsblockaden”, in: Internationales Asienforum, 36 (1-2), pp. 49-74
Robber: "Give me all your money!!"
Najib was very angry: "I am the honorable Prime Minister!"
Robber: "Well, then ... return all my money."
2. One fine day, Najib, Muyahiddin and parliament members were on the way to a meeting where they all crashed in an accident and was rushed to the hospital.
The reporters were at the hospital, the doctor shook his head "We have done our best to rescue the PM but ..."
Reporters:"How about Muyahiddin?"
Doctor:"We were unable to rescue him either ..."
Reporters:"Who have you saved?"
The doctor was excited:"Malaysia is now saved!"
3. Samy V visited the psychiatric hospital. All the patients hurray for him but there is one patient who ignored Samy.
Samy: "Why does he not welcome me?"
Doc: "He is normal today (not insane)."
4. Election campaign time -- car load of politicians were involved in a car accident.
A farmer saw and rushed to the scene but all the passengers were dead.
He buried all the passengers.
Few days later, the police in charge found the farmer and asked where all
the politicians were and was told that they had all been buried.
Police: "Did they all die?"
Farmer: "Hmmm, Samy was screaming that he is still alive when I buried him"
Police: "Then why you bury him anyway?"
Farmer: "Because Samy never tells the truth."
The parade of “Muslim sensitivities”: Where is it taking us?

Church plays are seditious and insulting?
In the latest of Perkasa moves, its Petaling chairperson, Zainal Abidin Ahmad, lodged a police report against a Protestant church in Shah Alam and its pastor for planning to stage a Christian play during Ramadan. “We want the church and pastor to be investigated for sedition and for insulting the Sultan,” Zainal Abidin told The Malaysian Insider on 17 Aug 2010. Zainal Abidin also accused the church of deliberately attempting to preach Christianity to Muslims in Muslim-majority Shah Alam.
We may be lulled into thinking that the issue at hand is limited to a Malay, and hence Muslim, rights group making wild and curious allegations against non-Muslim, non-Malay Malaysians. If only that were the case. Unfortunately, much more is involved. Indeed, what is really at stake is the control of public space and what it means for all of us.
My space, not anyone else’s
What Perkasa’s actions boil down to in Shah Alam is this. It’s saying that because it’s Ramadan and because Shah Alam is a Muslim-majority suburb, no other faith group is allowed to practise freedom of religion, expression or association. If they do, they can be cited for sedition, insulting the Malay ruler, and the crime of proselytising to Muslims.
I suspect that the citations of sedition etc are just a means of asserting control and power. By making out non-Malay non-Muslims to be criminals of the highest order, it becomes that much easier for lesser-thinking members of the public to believe that non-Muslims deserve to have their constitutional rights denied.
We may dismiss Zainal Abidin, and even Perkasa as a whole, as lunatic. That would be a mistake. Because Zainal Abidin and Perkasa are not the only ones who want complete control of public space, and who use a particular version of Islam to exert that control. Additionally, they are not the only players in town who do this at the expense of the rights and freedoms of other citizens.
Let us remember that before Perkasa started making the headlines, the national censors in 2005 banned the movie Babe because it starred a pig, considered haram in Islam, as the lead character. Following that, anecdotes from parents tell us that in some schools, non-Muslims children are told what they can and cannot pack in their lunch boxes in deference to Muslim sensitivities.
A Malaysian columnist once also told me that the word “pigmentation” was censored from a documentary he had watched presumably because the first syllable was “pig”. And in 2007, I discovered that Guardian pharmacy did not offer Piglet as part of its Winnie the Pooh gift redemption promotion.
Over in Section 6, Petaling Jaya, the local mosque has no qualms blaring the terawih prayers till late at night at decibels that are inconsiderate to the neighbourhood.
And let us also remember PAS’s own moves to define what can and cannot be done in the public domain. Everytime PAS Youth calls for a concert ban, what it’s effectively doing is telling all those — Muslims and non-Muslims — whose faith would not be threatened by attending a live concert, that they cannot because PAS says so. Similarly, when Selangor PAS tried to ban the sale of beer in Muslim-majority areas in the state, what the party is saying is that the lifestyle of all non-Muslims must be subservient to those of some Muslims.
And so the proscriptions on public spaces don’t just include what a Protestant church is allowed to do during Ramadan. It also affects the food our children are allowed to consume in schools, the drinks non-Muslims can buy in their neighbourhood, the movies and concerts and words we are allowed to watch and hear, the gifts we can redeem at a pharmacy, and the airwaves in our neighbourhood.
What do these events tell us? They tell us that there is a creeping, even if not concerted, effort by state and non-state players, to determine what is publicly kosher and what is not. It doesn’t matter if nothing in Islam actually prohibits non-Muslims from staging a Christian play during Ramadan, drinking alcohol, eating pork and watching a pig character in the movies.
The bottomline? Public space is no longer everyone’s space. It’s theirs — those Malay Muslims who believe that their imagined sensitivities alone give them the right to deny others access and use of public spaces.
The Biggie
The biggie of all proscriptions in the current Malaysian context is of course, the Barisan Nasional (BN) government’s ban of the words “Allah”, “solat”, “Kaabah” and “Baitullah” among non-Muslims.
Even though Muslims don’t own copyright to these Arabic words, the BN government is asserting that these words belong to Muslims, and Muslims alone. Particularly Malaysian Muslims who apparently are prone to being confused should another faith community use the same words.

Can Malaysia ban non-Muslims from using the Arabic language?
The ban on “Allah” and the three other words is no different from what Perkasa is doing in Shah Alam. A publicly-used word, like publicly-shared spaces, only belongs to Muslims. It’s as if these Muslim state and non-state actors are declaring, “Our space, not anyone else’s. Our word, not anyone else’s.”
And because their demands have no historical, cultural or legal legitimacy, they resort to demonising non-Muslims, accusing them of crimes and ill-intentions. And they use the powers of the state to impose and enforce ownership over “our space” and “our word”.
And so the biggie isn’t that our political landscape is littered more and more with irrational demands and wild allegations from certain Malay Muslim quarters. The biggie is that increasingly, there are more and more concerted attempts by these forces, which include the Umno-led federal government, to take over shared public spaces.
What’s the limit?
After the story on Perkasa’s police report was published, someone on Twitter commented that we can next expect police reports to be lodged against non-Muslims for eating during Ramadan. Indeed, I believe that’s not too far-fetched a scenario if we continue to allow those who try to control the public domain for their own narrow vested and bigoted interests, to continue doing what they do.
Already, non-Muslims are constantly being told to defer to the sensitivities of some Muslims. At the rate Muslim “sensitivities” are paraded about, one would think Muslims lived their lives like exposed nipples, ever excitable. When the truth is, we know that Muslims are thinking, rational human beings who belonged to one of the most historically advanced civilisations.
To be certain, there is a need to be respectful of different customs and belief systems. But “Muslim sensitivities” cannot and must not be the measure by which a non-Muslim citizen is denied the right to eat pork, watch a movie or use “Allah”. If we allowed that to happen, we would be a nation where behaving like an exposed nipple trumps constitutional rights to freedom of religion, assembly, association and expression.
Jacqueline Ann Surin is thankful her perception of Islam has been shaped by intelligent, rational, kind and fair-minded Muslims who have been rocks in her life.
Monday, October 25, 2010
UMNO and Population Engineering
The duplicity of UMNO in proclaiming Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara while all the while undertaking a relentless program to whittle down the numbers of the non-Malays through very precise and focused initiatives is breath taking in its effectiveness!
Consider this:
In 1957:
– 45% of the population was Chinese.
– 12% of the population was Indians.
In 2010
– 25% of the population is Chinese.
– 7% of the population is Indians.
Over 600,000 Chinese and Indian Malaysians with red IC were rejected repeatedly when applying for citizenship and possibly 60% of them had passed away due to old age.
Since 1957:
– 2 million Chinese have emigrated.
– 0.5 million Indians have also emigrated overseas.
– 3 million Indonesians migrated to Malaysia to become Malaysian citizens with Bumiputra status.
Now the non-Malays are well aware of this tinkering and engineering of our population and it would do us Malays no good to say that it was UMNO doing and that we had no hand in what happened. As a Malay I was then comfortable that UMNO was the dominant partner in the Barisan Nasional.
It was comforting to know that Malays controlled four of the five major banks.
Education? Between 1968 to 2000:
– 48 Chinese Primary Schools closed down.
– 144 Indian Primary Schools closed down.
– 2637 Malay Primary Schools were built.
Of the total government budget for these schools 2.5% were for the Chinese Primary Schools, 1% for the Indian Primary School and 96.5% for the Malay Primary School.
Petronas Petrol Stations? Of the 2000 station the Malays owned 99%.
Yes we Malays were indeed in control. In control of what?
We were in control of the all the business licenses and permits for Taxis and Approved Permits.
We were in control of Government contracts of which 95% were given to Malays.
We were in control of the Rice Trade through Bernas that bought over 80% of Chinese Rice Millers in Kedah.
We were in control of UMBC, MISC and Southern Bank – all previously owned by Chinese.
We were in control of bus companies. Throughout Malaysia MARA buses could be seen plying all the routes. Non-Malays were simply displaced by having their application for bus routes and for new buses rejected.
Every new housing estate being built had a mosque or a surau. None, I repeat “no” temples or churches were built for any housing estate!
So why with control over all these highly visible entities and business opportunities are the Malays still unable to stand tall and with pride over and above the non-Malays? We are unable to so do because it was not the Malays that benefited from these opportunities - UMNO did.
Why must UMNO constantly harped about the need to spoon feed the Malays – about ketuanan Melayu when it is already in place and about Bumiputra status and all the privileges and rights that goes with that status?
And as a Malay I want to ask the non-Malays why you still chose to live in a country whose government has by its actions and deeds done whatever it could to make you not feel welcomed? The non-Malay I know have all told me the same thing – Malaysia is their country – they know of no other country they can call their own. And so they stay and put up with the abuses.
The difference now is that there are enough Malays who are shamed by the antics of this Malay political organization call UMNO. There are enough Malays to tell the non-
Malays that we feel your pain. We understand your frustrations and despair at not being treated as equals in a country you call your own. And enough non-Malay has migrated abroad to cause our country to understand that their loss is another’s country gain. A loss, which our country can ill afford to sustain.
And more important all these ground swell of disgust and contempt at UMNO has manifested itself in a way these political idiots understand – losing our votes in the 12th General Elections. Amen for that.
And so we wait for the 13th General Election which we hope will dish out the relevant karma for UMNO and its Barisan Nasional partners. Meantime understand what they have done to us all – not only the non-Malays but also to the Malays and do not allow Barisan Nasional to play the race card and start their divide and rule antics on us anymore. You are one with me we are two.
Famous quotes by the one and only Samy Velu ..
2. On TV when trying to say he was ashamed, he said:-
"Ini prekara sangat memalukan saya dan kemaluan saya sangat-sangat la besar"
3. Samy said in a ceramah
"Kita akan bina satu jambatan wuntuk worang2 kampong di sini"
Then one pakcik asked,
"Datuk, sini takde sungai, buat apa bina jambatan?
and Samy gloriously replied ,
"Kalao takde sungai, kita bina sungai"
4. Samy's most favourite quote on the news for the decade is this:-
"Toll naik sikit, banyak marah saya. You worang ingat semua ini toll saya punyer bapah punya kah!
5. Semasa krisis air:
" Semua worang diminta jangan membuang aiyerr..!" (everyone, please don't pee)?????
6. Tentang masalah social:
"Worang2 muda sekarang banyak suka hisap dade.." (youngsters nowadays very much like to suck breast)??????
7. Semasa kempen derma darah di Sg.Siput:
"marilah kita semua menderma dare..."
8. Semasa memberi ucapan di pelbagai function:
"Selamat datang saudara-mara semua" (It should have been saudara-saudari)
9. During the height of the Al-Arqam saga, he said in a press conference ,
"Saya gumbira bahawa didapati tiada pemuda MIC terlibat dalam kes arqam"
10. At an opening ceremony for a new building:
"Mempersilakan Datin Paduka Rafidah Aziz naik dari pentas wuntuk membuka kain "
that is why Samy can use the PLUS helicopter whenever he wants to.
And of course the world's greatest joke...
12. "Kita akan bina roket pigi matahari"
.....reporter responds.."Tapi Dato, matahari terlalu panas untuk didekati"
...Samy responds..
" Itu tade masalah....kita hantar waktu malam....mah "
1Malay or 1Malaysia
But BN has screwed Malaysians and Malaysia up.
Malay 1st…. Malaysian 2nd
When a Malay, Chinese and Indian, all Malaysians, apply for:-
1) Scholarships, Malays will get it first irrespective of bright Malaysians
2) Entry to the local universities and bestcourses such medicine, dentistry, law, Malays will get it first irrespective of quality. Residential hostels, Matriculation courses, MARA Uni, Malays will get 90% to 100%.
(By the way, matriculation exams are internally set by own lecturers - about thousands of straight A’s students in Matriculation compared to the straight A’s STPM which are few. This is “Malay meritocracy vs Malaysian meritocracy”!
3) Social Welfare, Malays will get it first irrespective of how poor the Malaysian rakyat is
4) Business Contracts, Malays will get it first irrespective of who can offer the best value, quality and unblemished track record. Even when blacklisted, Malay associations have the right to complain because the rakyat owes them a living.
5) Sharing of wealth and equity, IPOs, ASB, Malays will get it first. Even with ASB for Malays give higher returns and principal guaranteed capped at RM200K instead of other bonds for Malaysians with lower yield capped at RM50K. This will be ongoing. WhyMalays cannot reach 30% equities? Statistics are manipulated so that valuation of shares are based on par value (Imagine valuing CIMB, Maybank, Sime darby etc at par value of RM1.00 instead of market value of RM12 etc. Malaysians must accept these assumptions or make sure this is hidden or else priviledges are gone..!! )
6) Low cost houses, lands, houses even bungalows, Malays will get it first because they are the supreme race and the rest of Malaysians are immigrants. Quotas for Malays are 30% to 50% with steep discounts to be subsidized by the rest of the Malaysians.
7) Important Senior management jobs, CEO positions in government linked companies, Malays will get it first irrespective of the best qualified and most capable Malaysian candidates.
8) Government linked positions, civil positions, nurses and teachers training, Malay will get first irrespective whether they are qualified
9) Religious land for worship or terms of God, Malays own it and the rest must obey.
10) Demonstrations, freedom of expressions, racial blurs, Malays can have their say, others under ISA…
Now you know why it is Malay 1st, Malaysian 2nd Education, welfare, economic, business policies are to benefit Malay first then Malaysian 2nd. The rest of the rakyat, who works hard, contribute to nation building will continue to be Malaysians 2nd..
So it is not so difficult to understand if a Malay Indonesian Badminton player is paying against a Chinese or Indian Malaysian, those who subscribe Malay 1st, Malaysians 2nd will cheer for the Malay badminton player.
When there is a citizenship application of a Malay Indonesian and a qualified non Malay, the Malay Indonesian will get it irrespective of merits.
That is why we have Malay is 1st class other Malaysians 2nd class. This is the only country that has racism and special rights enshrined in the constitutions because Malay is supreme.
So if you have the opportunity to migrate to be treated fairly and justly,why stay? Malaysians 2nd means you will always be an immigrant. Why become an immigrant with 2nd class rights when other countries are willing to give you the same rights.
1Malaysia to appease Malaysians 2nd class hope until the elections…
Wise UP Malaysians! Vote wisely.
Khoo Kay Peng speaks out.. Can Najib Walk his Talk?
So far, the judgment is NO. Again the saying pertaining to this, Your actions is so loud (not walking your talk) that I cannot hear what you are saying (all your speeches are for nothing)
NEM, NEP, Perkasa & Malay First, Malaysian Second: Time is Running Out for PM Najib
PM Najib is forced to go back to the Barisan old script when he was asked to react on his deputy's statement that he was "Malay 1st, Malaysian 2nd". Najib defended his deputy, "Being a Malay doesn't mean that you are against 1Malaysia or you don't think like a Malaysian." "Similarly, if you are a Malaysian Chinese, it doesn't mean that you don't think like a Malaysian or subscribe to the concept of 1Malaysia," he said.
Najib's knee-jerk reaction on Muhyiddin's statement unmasks his own understanding about nation building and the 1Malaysia concept.
The lack of national affinity and shared destiny is the main obstacle for 1Malaysia. It is sad to note that the 1Malaysia founder himself does not share the vision of nationhood and citizenship. If Najib does not trust his own nation building agenda, he should not have misused the name, Malaysia .
1Malaysia is not consistent with Ethnicity 1st, Nationality 2nd.
We cannot blame Muhyiddin for his lack of national identity because nation building was not featured in the Barisan rule over the last 5 decades. Barisan is an antithesis to 1Malaysia and nation building. The most important element in a nation building project is to outlaw racial discrimination. Barisan is the epitome of racism and racially based politics.
Najib cannot remain coy and silent on the demands, attacks and allegations made against the Chinese community, in particularly, by Perkasa.
Interestingly, a politician such as Ibrahim Ali needed racism to resurrect his career. Of course he is enjoying the media limelight at the moment. At the Aljazeera interview, he lambasted "If these people say that they are second-class citizens, don't talk s**t! Don't talk s**t! I repeat three times, don't talk s**t!"
"We, the Malays have forgiven them a lot, we have sacrificed a lot of our interests," he added.
I would like Ibrahim to clarify what interests? It appears that Muhyiddin is now clamouring to ride on Perkasa's wave by declaring that he is "Malay 1st" and "Malaysian 2nd".
Regardless of the publicity stunt and damage control, Najib knows that his defence of Muhyiddin and his statement is going to tear his concept to pieces. His administration is dragging its feet on the NEM details and mechanism. It makes us wonder if there is any meat at all in NEM.
Time is running out for him. Another talk but no walk is going to put him on the same pedestal as Abdullah Badawi.
Najib should state his stand on Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali's disrespect for non-Malay citizens. They (Najib, Muhyiddin and Ibrahim) should remember that their salaries and perks are paid by Malaysians of all races. Not by the Malays only.
Posted by Khoo Kay Peng .
Explain before you Go, IGP.- THE STUPID MUSANG

When the U-Tube (July 22) about the Police Special Force (UTK) storming Sultan Kelantan's motorcades on May 4, 2010 was made available, many readers came back to me (some did call) asking whether the Sultan was really there in the MPV as the video failed to proof anything. They doubted it.

However, God is Great. One of the UTK members involved in that ambush 'defected' out of his conscience and handed over a copy of the video he took on that day (he was carrying a beta-cam to record the disgusting and disgraceful event). Many thanks to him.

Watch for yourself how the UTK members pointed semi-automatic rifles at the MPV which carries the Sultan, and a photo of the defenseless Sultan inside it.
Now, Musa and Hishamuddin Hussein must answer this. Musa, especially must explain in details what actually took place, who requested it, why did Kelantan Police Chief comply to the request and sought Bukit Aman's approval.
Before you leave the police force for good, clear your name and image of this embarrassment. If you dont, then PDRM is not fit to use the word 'Diraja'. I am sure you, Hisham and few people at Bukit Aman and KDN know the actual truth and got copies of the video.
'Memalukan' is precise to describe what they did on May 4 outside Istana Mahkota, Kubang Krian. When you point a gun at a Raja Melayu, what is the penalty if you are found guilty?
To Hisham, its your responsibility too. You were given a copy of the second video CD but you ignored it on promises that the ministry would investigate and issue a statement. Are you also part of the conspiracy to ambush, hijack and kidnap a Malay Ruler?
Prime Minister knows about it too but he is 'lost in words'! He rather wash his hands than meddling with this insulting episode that smears the good image of his government, the Home Ministry and PDRM.
Mamak M caused Country's Woes

Wain autographs copies of his book during a reception May 20, 2010. — Picture by Jack Ooi
PETALING JAYA, May 21 — The author of a hot-selling political biography on Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said many issues hampering Malaysia had come from the ex-prime minister’s tenure.
Former Asian Wall Street Journal editor, Barry Wain, whose book “ Malaysian Maverick : Mahathir Mohamad in turbulent times ”, sold 4,000 copies in just two weeks added that he does not see any broad changes being brought about by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
“ I argue that a lot of problems in Malaysia stem from Dr Mahathir’s rule, ” said Wain in an interview yesterday, during a reception to celebrate the launch of the book. “ Issues like corruption did stem from when he was in power. Lack of leadership, abuse of the NEP ( New Economic Policy ), problems that exist today. ”
Wain, who was a Malaysia correspondent from 1977 to 1979 and has been in Asia for 38 years, said it was “ quite obvious ” that Malaysia has fallen behind other countries because of abuse of the controversial race-based NEP and that he was still waiting to see substantial reforms.

22 year of Ruins. This is the only person in the world who is known to have disowned his roots and is ashamed of his own race. He is a pure Indian Muslim but claims to be a Malay.
This Mamak breeds corruption and destroyed all the institutions in Malaysia. He created the inferiority complex in the Malay race, so that he can continue to control, rob and rape them for 22 years.. He constantly created the fear in the minds of the Malay race that the Chinese are here to rob them and disguises himself as the real robber.
He systematically weakened the Malay race by poisoning their minds and introduced the rotten education system so that the Malay race will remain isolated from the rest of the world and be uncompetitive globally. Just look around and look at those Malays in the age group of 60s. Those are world class educated Malays who can survive in any other country. Compare these Malays with those in their 30s (the Mamak generation), most of them are now really inferior and have no self-confidence to face the real world. They are constantly in fear and feel there are under threat. This is the result of the Mamak and the UMNO's racist propaganda.
The real " Ketuanan Melayu " is for the Malay race to wake up and get out of this cocoon of UMNO and the Mamak gang. And not to shout and scream like those Cowpig Head politicians. It is for the Malay race to reflect on themselves and to realise their own capabilities.
Look at your sucessful Pak Chiks who are full of confidence and speak well in different languages (at least English and Malay Language). Some can even speak Mandarin. Those are your idols to emulate, not the UMNO / BN politicians.
Good luck to the real " Ketuanan Melayu "
AP King at Malaysia
But they prefer to give to their cronies and make them multi-millionaire.



















Saturday, October 9, 2010
UMNO and Population Engineering
“Ketuanan Melayu” for the Malay masses who are lull into a feeling of being superior over the non-Malays because of their numbers and “Ketuanan Melayu” for the UMNO Malay political elites through the accumulation of massive material wealth for themselves and their cronies.
And while UMNO has failed by almost any measure you chose to gauge them – good governance or morality – without question they have succeeded too well in the engineering of the population of this country of ours.
The duplicity of UMNO in proclaiming Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara while all the while undertaking a relentless program to whittle down the numbers of the non-Malays through very precise and focused initiatives is breath taking in its effectiveness!
Consider this:
In 1957:
– 45% of the population was Chinese.
– 12% of the population was Indians.
In 2010
– 25% of the population is Chinese.
– 7% of the population is Indians.
Over 600,000 Chinese and Indian Malaysians with red IC were rejected repeatedly when applying for citizenship and possibly 60% of them had passed away due to old age.
Since 1957:
– 2 million Chinese have emigrated.
– 0.5 million Indians have also emigrated overseas.
– 3 million Indonesians migrated to Malaysia to become Malaysian citizens with Bumiputra status.
Now the non-Malays are well aware of this tinkering and engineering of our population and it would do us Malays no good to say that it was UMNO doing and that we had no hand in what happened. As a Malay I was then comfortable that UMNO was the dominant partner in the Barisan Nasional.
It was comforting to know that Malays controlled four of the five major banks.
Education? Between 1968 to 2000:
– 48 Chinese Primary Schools closed down.
– 144 Indian Primary Schools closed down.
– 2637 Malay Primary Schools were built.
Of the total government budget for these schools 2.5% were for the Chinese Primary Schools, 1% for the Indian Primary School and 96.5% for the Malay Primary School.
Petronas Petrol Stations? Of the 2000 station the Malays owned 99%.
Yes we Malays were indeed in control. In control of what?
We were in control of the all the business licenses and permits for Taxis and Approved Permits.
We were in control of Government contracts of which 95% were given to Malays.
We were in control of the Rice Trade through Bernas that bought over 80% of Chinese Rice Millers in Kedah.
We were in control of UMBC, MISC and Southern Bank – all previously owned by Chinese.
We were in control of bus companies. Throughout Malaysia MARA buses could be seen plying all the routes. Non-Malays were simply displaced by having their application for bus routes and for new buses rejected.
Every new housing estate being built had a mosque or a surau. None, I repeat “no” temples or churches were built for any housing estate!
So why with control over all these highly visible entities and business opportunities are the Malays still unable to stand tall and with pride over and above the non-Malays? We are unable to so do because it was not the Malays that benefited from these opportunities - UMNO did.
Why must UMNO constantly harped about the need to spoon feed the Malays – about ketuanan Melayu when it is already in place and about Bumiputra status and all the privileges and rights that goes with that status?
And as a Malay I want to ask the non-Malays why you still chose to live in a country whose government has by its actions and deeds done whatever it could to make you not feel welcomed?
The non-Malay I know have all told me the same thing – Malaysia is their country – they know of no other country they can call their own. And so they stay and put up with the abuses.
The difference now is that there are enough Malays who are shamed by the antics of this Malay political organization call UMNO. There are enough Malays to tell the non-Malays that we feel your pain. We understand your frustrations and despair at not being treated as equals in a country you call your own. And enough non-Malay has migrated abroad to cause our country to understand that their loss is another’s country gain. A loss, which our country can ill afford to sustain.
And more important all these ground swell of disgust and contempt at UMNO has manifested itself in a way these political idiots understand – losing our votes in the 12th General Elections. Amen for that.
And so we wait for the 13th General Election which we hope will dish out the relevant karma for UMNO and its Barisan Nasional partners. Meantime understand what they have done to us all – not only the non-Malays but also to the Malays and do not allow Barisan Nasional to play the race card and start their divide and rule antics on us anymore. You are one with me we are two.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
You can see this when you take pencala link from duta!!
This is the palace that a warlord builds in Shah Alam.
This palace cost RM24 million, they said.
The warlord says he earns it thro" his businesses.
What businesses and what taxes do you pay? ax men and MACC never seem to question him. Why?
Things like these only happen in a failed state.
Warlords also exist only in a failed state.
Selective failure and prosecution are characteristics of a failed state.
See for yourself, this is rumah Khir Toyo, A REAL TOYOL FROM INDUN ...a gentle reminder to Malaysians !!!
He is not born in Malaysia ! He was born in Indonesia came over quite late. This Indon can join UMNO and become a politician! (former MB of Selangor). He called others - immigrants!
Looking at the background, I wonder if the land is a forest reserve.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Malaysians will end up sleeping on the street too ....
God has blessed Indonesia with gold, uranium, copper, oil, timber, beaches, seas and other wealth. The land is fertile with abundant rain. Stick a twig into the ground and it grows into a tree.
Yet Indonesians sleep in the streets..
Food is expensive.
The average Indonesian eats some rice, tempe, tauhu and may be some vegetables for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday.
An average Nasi Padang meal for four persons in a single star Indonesian restaurant can cost RM60(160,000 Rupiah). This is way beyond the income of the average Joko or Ketut in Indonesia.
Why is this so ? The answer is because the ruling elites in Indonesia do not care about the people. They have pillaged the country. They craft policies that only serve to keep the elites in power and the wealthly.
The same thing is happening in M'sia.
There are also millions of Indonesians who go to school and university but do not learn skills that can help them survive in the real world. They are very poor in European languages like English or Dutch. All their education is in Indonesian. So they cannot keep up with the latest developments and technologies.. They cannot compete. They remain poor.
The children of the elite are sent overseas for their education.
An average Indonesian university graduate cannot bring world class skills to his employers. He or she therefore earns a pittance. This is happening in Malaysia. Bumiputra university graduates only strike it rich if they get Government jobs where they do not do much work but earn a good salary with a pension. In the private sector they may not get a job or earn only a pittance.
That is why 100,000 graduates remain unemployed in Malaysia.
Bumiputra university graduates are turning up for interviews as taxi drivers and shop assistants. What about those who flunk out after SPM ? They become Mat Rempits (Motorcycle Racers). Last Saturday I saw another Mat Rempit get killed at the road races in Shah Alam (near Section 7).
In Malaysia, just like in Indonesia, food is getting very expensive. But the wages and salaries of the people, especially the Malays, is not keeping up with the increase in prices.
Instead of developing the competitive ability of the people,the Government has been using the failed NEP to provide subsidies and dish out money on a plate.
Everything is subsidised, even cooking oil, flour, rice, sugar, fuel, etc.
The Government has been providing these subsidies so that the people will keep voting for the ruling party.
So it has never been to the Government's advantage to make the Malays independent. A Malay who is independent of the Government may not vote for the BN. It is therefore better to keep feeding with subsidies.. So, for the past 50 years, everything has been subsidised.
But now with 27million people in the country of which more than half are Malays, subsidies are getting more expensive.
There is also much much more thievery and wastage by the BN elites in Malaysia. But there is no bottomless 'well' full of money.
Everything has its limits. The money will soon run out. Without the subsidies for cooking oil, sugar, flour and petrol, how are the people, especially the Malays, going to survive ? Already university graduates cannot find jobs or compete in the private sector. What happens when the oil money runs out ? What happens when (not if, but when) the Government cannot simply spend billions of oil money to sustain its voting base any longer? That is when we may see people sleeping in the streets, just like in Indonesia. If that happens this country will go up in flames We will all be consumed.
In Indonesia, the Government has not mobilised its hundreds of millions of people (over 250 million Indonesians) with the competitive skills to grow enough food for themselves. Hence food is expensive. They do not even have simple survival skills like coming to work on time, organising themselves to do simple tasks, maintaining good hygiene and cleanliness and so on. They are poorly read and not informed about many things that are going on around the world. Their Government has failed in all these aspects. Hence the average Indonesian remains poor.
The same thing has happened in Malaysia. Our young people, especially the Malays, do not possess basic survival skills. We are not talking about competitive skills but just basic survival skills. The Government is not serious about giving them useful competitive skills either.
The Mat Rempits are being glorified by the politicians as saviours of the nation (Mat Cemerlang). Correction. they are drug users, gang rapists, snatch thieves and street fighters.
When an efficient Policewoman called Nooriyah Anvar was appointed Chief of Traffic Police she went after the Mat Rempits with a vengeance. Does anyone remember her? She confiscated their bikes on the spot. But soon the Mat Rempits called their political muscle and Nooriyah Anvar was kicked out. To date she holds the record of being the shortest serving Traffic Police Chief in Malaysia. She has been replaced by Senior Asst Comm (II) Datuk Hamza Taib.
So the Government is not serious about improving the position of the Malays.
It serves the Barisan Nasional Government to keep the Malays down and out. Then the Malays can go to the Government for crumbs. This way the ruling elites get to keep the whole loaf to themselves. Go and visit Indonesia. This is what is happening over there. It is happening over here too.
Does Malaysia have a problem ? Yes the Malays are not happy, the Chinese are not happy and the Indians are not happy.
They spoke out at the March 2008 polls and hope things will change for the better, now they have some oppositions who promised change. The Malays are being duped by their corrupted leaders by using the religion, the Chinese and Indians are being marginalised by the ruling elites..
Let us all Malaysians wake up and fight the corrupt system for the benefit of everyone. Let us all unite and stand together and change the system for once and for all.
We are not Malays, Chinese or Indians, we are Malaysians. Malaysians May End Up Sleeping in the Street if no change is made to the present corrupt and very selfish system.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Dr. Hamid is an Egyptian scholar and author
"I am a Muslim by faith.... a Christian by spirit....a Jew by heart....and above all I am a human being."
On Sun, 12/9/10,
There seem to be a very few who are modern thinkers and not afraid to stand up and be counted
I was born a Muslim and lived all my life as a follower of Islam.
After the barbaric terrorist attacks done by the hands of my fellow Muslims everywhere on this globe, and after the too many violent acts by Islamists in many parts of the world, I feel responsible as a Muslim and as a human being, to speak out and tell the truth to protect the world and Muslims as well from a coming catastrophe and war of civilizations.
I have to admit that our current Islamic teaching creates violence and hatred toward Non-Muslims. We Muslims are the ones who need to change. Until now we have accepted polygamy, the beating of women by men, and killing those who convert from Islam to other religions.
We have never had a clear and strong stand against the concept of slavery or wars, to spread our religion and to subjugate others to Islam and force them to pay a humiliating tax called Jizia. We ask others to respect our religion while all the time we curse non-Muslims loudly (in Arabic) in our Friday prayers in the Mosques.
What message do we convey to our children when we call the Jews "Descendants of the pigs and monkeys".. Is this a message of love and peace, or a message of hate?
I have been into churches and synagogues where they were praying for Muslims. While all the time we curse them, and teach our generations to call them infidels, and to hate them.
We immediately jump in a 'knee jerk reflex' to defend Prophet Mohammad when someone accuses him of being a pedophile while, at the same time, we are proud with the story in our Islamic books, that he married a young girl seven years old (Aisha) when he was above 50 years old.
I am sad to say that many, if not most of us, rejoiced in happiness after September 11th and after many other terror attacks.
Muslims denounce these attacks to look good in front of the media, but we condone the Islamic terrorists and sympathise with their cause. Till now our 'reputable' top religious authorities have never issued a Fatwa or religious statement to proclaim Bin Laden as an apostate, while an author, like Rushdie, was declared an apostate who should be killed according to Islamic Shariia law just for writing a book criticizing Islam.
Muslims demonstrated to get more religious rights as we did in France to stop the ban on the Hejab (Head Scarf), while we did not demonstrate with such passion and in such numbers against the terrorist murders.
It is our absolute silence against the terrorists that gives the energy to these terrorists to continue doing their evil acts. We Muslims need to stop blaming our problems on others or on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. As a matter of honesty, Israel is the only light of democracy, civilization, and human rights in the whole Middle East.
We kicked out the Jews with no compensation or mercy from most of the Arab countries to make them "Jews-Free countries" while Israel accepted more than a million Arabs to live there, have its nationality, and enjoy their rights as human beings. In Israel, women can not be beaten legally by men, and any person can change his/her belief system with no fear of being killed by the Islamic law of 'Apostasy,' while in our Islamic world people do not enjoy any of these rights. I agree that the 'Palestinians' suffer, but they suffer because of their corrupt leaders and not because of Israel.
It is not common to see Arabs who live in Israel leaving to live in the Arab world. On the other hand, we used to see thousands of Palestinians going to work with happiness in Israel, its 'enemy'. If Israel treats Arabs badly as some people claim, surely we would have seen the opposite happening.
We Muslims need to admit our problems and face them. Only then we can treat them and start a new era to live in harmony with human mankind. Our religious leaders have to show a clear and very strong stand against polygamy, pedophilia,slavery, killing those who convert from Islam to other religions, beating of women by men, and declaring wars on non-Muslims to spread Islam.
Then, and only then, do we have the right to ask others to respect our religion. The time has come to stop our hypocrisy and say it openly: 'We Muslims have to Change'.
Tawfik Hamid
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
I think you'll get a kick out of this!
A little boy goes to his
dad and asks, 'What is Politics?
Dad says, 'Well son, let
me try to explain it this way:
I am the head of the
family, so call me The Prime Minister.
Your mother is the
administrator of the money, so we call her the Government.
We are here to take care
of your needs, so we will call you the People.
The Indon maid , we will
consider her the Working Class.
And your baby brother,
we will call him the Future.
Now think about that and
see if it makes sense.'
So the little boy goes
off to bed thinking about what Dad has said.
Later that night, he
hears his baby brother crying, so he gets up to check on him.
He finds that the baby
has severely soiled his nappy.
So the little boy goes
to his parent's room and finds his mother asleep.
Not wanting to wake her,
he goes to the nanny's room. Finding the door locked, he peeks in the keyhole and sees his father in bed with the nanny..
He gives up and goes back to bed.
The next morning, the
little boy say's to his father, 'Dad, I think I understand the concept of politics now. '
The father says, 'Good, son, tell me in your own words what you think politics is all about.'
The little boy replies, 'The Prime Minister is screwing the Working Class while the
Government is sound asleep. The People are being ignored and
the Future is in deep shit.'
Sam said...
Some self-appointed defenders of Islam including the chief of
"1Malaysia " have insisted that Catholics should use "Tuhan" instead of "Allah" to address the Catholic or Christian God .
But in the national anthem, "Tuhan" (not "Allah") bless the
country (...Tuhan kurniakan...).
How now ?!!!.
If Malay-Muslims are that easily confused as portrayed by some politicians, they must be thinking that Malaysia is blessed by the Catholic/Christian God, and the Muslim God "Allah" is perpetually on leave.
Perhaps, this confusion may cause the government to change the national anthem by replacing "Tuhan" with "Allah".
But then again, non-muslims will not be allowed to sing the national anthem. Then it would be non-muslims turn to be confused. If this issue goes to the courts, even the judges will get kepala pening.
So much for "1Malaysia "!!!.
Dear Sam (whoever you are)
I raise my hand in salute to you. YOU are one smart alec who sees things that most of us cannot see right in front.
However I dont mind if the MORONIC UMNO leaders should changed the lyrics of the national anthem to use ALLAH instead of TUHAN and I dont have to sing it, becos the anthem is a shameful CIPLAK of Mamula Moon and Terang Bulan anyway..
I Have no pride at all on this anthem
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Ants and Grasshoppers (New Version)

Interesting to read. A must read.
Older Version
An ant worked hard in the sweltering heat all summer, building its nest and laying up supplies for the winter.
A grasshopper thought the ant was stupid not knowing how to enjoy life. It spent its days laughing, singing & dancing thoroughly enjoying the summer.
Came winter, the ant was warm, comfortable and had no shortage of food.
The grasshopper had no proper shelter, no stored food, and couldn't find anything to eat from the snow-covered ground. So it died and the story ended.
Be responsible for yourself!
Modern Version
An ant worked hard in the sweltering heat all summer, building its nest and laying up supplies for the winter.
A grasshopper thought the ant was stupid not knowing how to enjoy life. It spent its days laughing, singing & dancing thoroughly enjoying the summer.
Came winter, the shivering grasshopper called a press conference and demanded to know why the ant should be warm and well fed while he was cold and starving.
TV1, TV2 & TV3 showed up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper alongside to a video clip of the ant in his comfortable home with a table full of food.
The majority of the Malaysian Parliamentarians were stunned by the sharp contrast. How could this poor grasshopper be allowed to suffer?
Khairy staged a demonstration in front of the ant's nest.
Nazri went on a hunger strike along with other grasshoppers demanding that they be relocated to warmer climate area during winter.
The Malaysia Government immediately passed a law forbidding all ants from working hard in the summer so as to bring about equality of poverty between ants and grasshoppers.
Hishammudin increased 'More Special Reservations' for grasshoppers in Educational Institutions & in Government Services.
The ant was fined for failing to share 30% of his food with the grasshopper. The Prime Minister announced that this was part of the N E P. No ant should question it. (Don't forget, Tax Audits were introduced and targeted at certain individuals who were eventually penalised heavily for not contributing enough to the well-being of the grasshoppers).
Many years later...
Some ants migrated to the US and set up multi-billion dollar companies there.
Hundreds of grasshoppers still died of starvation despite the 'More Special Reservations'.
Losing significant number of hard working ants and free loading the grasshoppers, Malaysia remained a developing country, despite its abundant natural resources.
All because the remaining ANTS were still doing their work. .............................
Latest finding showed that almost all the grasshoppers in the political arena and civil service were hoarding corrupt wealth which they refused to share with fellow grasshoppers.
Be careful how you vote in 2011.
I’ve sent this to you because I believe that you are an ant – not a grasshopper! Make sure that you pass this on to other ants. Don’t bother sending it on to any grasshoppers because they wouldn’t understand it, anyway.