Raja Petra says, ' Justice My Ass !! '
If you love this country you should help circulate this mail to all your friends who are MIC and MCA members, if they are not too busy enriching their own pockets and make future generation of their children, their grand children and their great grand children suffer. For 50 years the Chinese have given their vote to MCA and for 50 years MCA have pass their vote to the Malay, yes Malay in UMNO for a little self benefits. MCA members have no balls to speak for the Chinese and yes MCA in Johor who have NO Balls to speak against the UMNO. Where do you think the Malays come from Indonesia….lah and whatever happened to the great Chinese Warriors from Yunan that saved these Malays from Siamese attack called Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat and princess Hang Li Po??, disappears from our children history books that we used to read in our school days (ungrateful UMNO).
Only Raja Petra will speak for the Chinese and the Indian.
Subject: Raja Petra says, ' Justice My Ass !! '
Here's ANOTHER Reason NON-Malays Should NOT Vote UMNO in Any Future General Elections and Bye-Elections
Read here from M'sians Unplugged .....
Average Non-Malay Malaysians and NON-Malay Bumiputras have LITTLE future for their children and their grandchildren IF they still vote Barisan Nasional which allows UMNO to remain in Government - it was before, it is today, and it will be tomorrow.
Excerpts from article by Raja Petra Kamarudin
Raja Petra Kamarudin
'Last month, Umno Johor said that the greatest mistake they made was in giving the non-Malay immigrants citizenship in August 1957. Now that they have been given citizenship they show their ingratitude by voting for the opposition.
Yes, non-Malays, even those born in Malaysia , are immigrants. And, being immigrants, they must vote Barisan Nasional. And if they do not vote for Barisan Nasional then they are ungrateful..
Yes, voting is your right. This is your right according to the Federal Constitution of Malaysia. Malays can vote for whomsoever they would like to vote for because the Constitution allows them to do so. Malays, therefore, can vote for the opposition.
But, if you are non-Malay, then you must vote for Barisan Nasional because you are an immigrant. If you vote for the opposition then you are a traitor, you are ungrateful, and it was a great mistake giving you citizenship in 1957.
Tun Dr Mahathir's father was born in INDIA. But Tun Dr Mahathir can vote opposition. He can even oppose Umno like he is doing so now. In fact, he can even become the Prime Minister. He is not an ungrateful immigrant who should be sent back to India .
Tian Chua, however, can't oppose Umno. Tian Chua, whose family settled in Malaya long before the Portuguese came in 1511, is an immigrant. And if he is not happy and if he opposes Umno then he should go back to China .
And Umno Johor regrets giving Tian Chua citizenship in 1957 but does not regret giving Tun Dr Mahathir citizenship.
Why? Because Tun Dr Mahathir is Muslim while Tian Chua is not.
But if Tian Chua circumcises and takes on the Muslim name of Musa Bin Susah and marries a Malay woman, then he need not go back to China and Umno does not regret giving him citizenship in 1957.
The Malays have a very warped view of justice. Malays practice two standards of justice.
There is one standard for the Malays and another for the non-Malays.
And 90% of the tax is paid by the NON-Malays and 10% by the Malays, says Tun Dr Mahathir.
But 10% of the scholarships must go to the NON-Malays and 90% to the Malays.
And when they propose to change this to 40% for the non-Malays and 60% for the Malays, the Malays raise a hue and cry.
And they call this justice. And they say Islam is about justice.'!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
A VOTE FOR BN IS A VOTE FOR PERKASA!!! (Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Negara)
Message from William Leong, PKR Treasurer
Dear ALL,
Fellow country-men/ women & all,
Please pass this important message to all your relatives, friends and contacts (who are still Malaysians). Those living overseas please help to fwd this e-mail.
This message below is directed to All Malaysians.
If you are not a Malaysian, then take it for information sake. Politics itself is not dirty, but it’s people who make it dirty.... so it depends on which side of the fence you are in.
Thanks to W.F. Cheah for sharing this article by William Leong. William Leong is the treasurer of PKR and younger brother of ex minister, Paul Leong.
Practising in law for 20 odd years before going into politics
All Malaysians are duty bound to help each other to achieve a better life in our country. With the performance of the UMNO/BN for the last 52 years, especially the last 28 years, the country has been raped by politicians and their cronies. You know how arrogant they are; let us have look.
1. They are extending the APs to 2015! They are giving themselves free money.
2. This is daylight robbery. We are talking big bucks, billions from the rakyat (including Malays).
3. The taxes and duties on cars continue to be high to protect Proton but we the public pay through our nose. If the PR government comes into power we can expect prices to drop by at least 50% for imported cars.
4. Why are we paying these cronies our hard earned money so that they can drive around in their new and latest Ferraris, BMWs etc.
5. Have you noticed that they appoint themselves to high paying jobs and positions where they can also earn additional side income? Again these side incomes run into billions.
6. The Accountant General reported that RM 28B was wasted by you know who and for who. These figures probably do not involve the highly secretive arms contracts which run into billions.
7. Look at the way they snatched the Perak State government.
8. Look at the way they treated Teoh Beng Hock.
9. Look at the way they are trying to get Anwar.
10. Look at the Lingam's Royal Commission.
11. Look at the PKFZ delaying tactics, get one report after another, and then another and if necessary another and then only the small fish get caught and hauled to Court.
What a way to fool us? Either they are stupid or we are stupid. The abuse and cheating has been going on for far too long. Only you and I and together with all Malaysians who care can stop them.
Between now and the next General Elections we have to campaign now as if the GE is just 6 months from now.
Not only do we campaign, we must get our friends to get others and others to do the same. Let us not be fooled again and again.
Please start now, if 10 of us can each get 10 we will have 100 and if each of the hundred gets 10 we will have 1000. If we keep going, we will reach more than 10M active Malaysians to force a change.
This is a legacy we must give our children/grandchild ren, they deserve better. The alternative is too horrendous to look at.
Look at Indonesia, Japan , S. Korea and Taiwan , all their old and corrupt parties have been replaced,
Malaysia is next.
What Independence? On this August 31st, we shall celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the British leaving our country. I did not say we are celebrating the 52nd anniversary of our independence.
This is because our people have not enjoyed real liberty, democracy or justice. Without liberty, democracy or justice there is no independence. In these 52 years the oppressive rule of a foreign colonial master has been replaced by the oppressive rule of a local master... They rule with an iron fist.
They use the same instruments of oppression as the British did. They use the ISA, the Sedition Act, the Printing Press & Publications Act and detention without trial.
The freedom of assembly, the freedom of expression and the freedom to live a life of dignity free from fear and oppression are illusions. In these 52 years the yoke of a foreign colonial master has been replaced by the yoke of a local master.
They use the same policy of "divide and rule". They survive by feeding off racialism. They survive by fostering divisiveness. They survive by preaching religious intolerance.
What Teoh Beng Hock died for Malaysians will not know real independence, will not be free and will not enjoy democracy unless this oppressive regime is thrown out.
They must be thrown out just like Teoh Beng Hock was thrown out from the 14th floor of the MACC office. We must not forget Teoh Beng Hock. We must not forget what he stood for. More importantly, we must not forget what he died for.
He lived to help Malaysians in the struggle against corruption and oppression. He died so that our struggle can live. He died fighting for justice.
What Justice? Without justice we cannot say we have liberty or democracy or equal rights. We cannot say we have liberty or freedom when Tamil schools have no tables and chairs.
When in Sabah and Sarawak, schools have no electricity. A child that is illiterate is not free. We cannot say we have democracy or equal rights for women, when a Chinese girl with 9A1s cannot enter a university.. A girl without a job has no rights. We cannot say we have freedom of choice when a man cannot feed his family.
A starving man has no choice. Liberty, democracy and freedom are meaningless words when there is no justice. Justice is political liberty. Justice is economic independence.
Justice is equality. There is no political liberty when you vote out of fear. There is no economic independence when you give your support out of fear your son's scholarship will be withdrawn or your license will be withdrawn.
There is no freedom of choice when you elect a party out of fear for your contract or your business. This is what has been happening in these 52 years and this will continue if we do not act.
There will be many more Teoh Beng Hocks and many more Port Klang Free Zones if we do not stop them.
What One Malaysia? Najib says he wants One Malaysia..
Teoh Beng Hock’s death has shocked us back to reality.
We cannot just listen to rhetoric. We must look at the deeds.
When we look, we see what has been done, is a far cry from what has been said.
The Perak government has been stolen from its people.
Najib has now declared his intention to grab the Selangor government. The MACC is a tool. It is used to de-stabilize the Pakatan Rakyat government. Teoh Beng Hock was interrogated throughout the night.
He was grilled for buying RM2,400 worth of Malaysian flags. No one has been grilled when PKFZ loss RM12..6 billion.
The MACC officers are raiding the Pakatan Exco members’ offices so often they are becoming fixtures. Cars, cows and Malaysian flags have become a fixation of the MACC. MACC has not shown the same enthusiasm when it comes to BN assemblymen who used up their annual allocation of RM500,000 in 2 months before the general elections. The MACC has also not shown any interest in the trips by the former chief minister and his family to study the river system in Disney Land. There is no investigation into how the former chief minister can afford to purchase a multi-million ringgit mansion that is beyond the means of a chief minister's salary.
Barisan Nasional machinery is now on the move.
Books attacking Anwar Ibrahim and Khalid Ibrahim are being distributed. The authors of these books are sowing the seeds of hatred and contempt.
They desecrated the Hindu's sacred cow in a protest filled with bigotry. They protested against a Hindu temple built 150 years ago when the area was a plantation that today, just like its devotees, the estate workers, had been left behind by development.
They have forgotten Muslims were invited to practice their religion amongst the people of Yathrib. They are beating the drums of racial and religious hatred and the tone is becoming harsher with each beat.
The people must now decide. There cannot be any fence sitters.
There is no middle ground.
When Teoh Beng Hock was thrown out, the people of Malaysia were thrown together with him into the sea of political troubles.
Whether Malaysia will sink or swim is now up to the people. The people must decide once and for all what is right and what is wrong. There cannot be a neutral ground.
Dante said: “The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of moral crisis.”
Today in Malaysia there is no place for neutrality. Malaysians must make their choice now. If we want to know what is evil and what is right, we must use our moral compass. It is only when we know the direction where justice lies can we know where we must stand.
Do we want to choose liberty and justice which are always right or do we want to choose corruption, hatred, arrogance and oppression which are always wrong?
The choice is clear.
Every Malaysian must make his stand.
I want to tell you that when you stand for liberty, we will stand with you.
When you defend democracy, we will be your shield.
When you fight for justice, we will be your sword.
We will always be with you.
They assaulted *Anwar Ibrahim.
*They threw him in jail for 6 long years...
They call him a traitor and worse.
But Anwar will always be here to fight for you.
They hounded and harassed *Lim Kit Siang. *They detained him in Kamunting..
But Lim Kit Siang will always be here to stand by you.
They attacked *Tok Guru Nik Aziz *and tried to humiliate him. But Tok Guru Nik Aziz will always be here to protect you.
We have been tested. They have thrown everything they have at us but we are still standing and we are still here.
We were here in November 2007 when a sea of yellow marched for a free and fair election. This was *BERSIH*. We were here in December when thousands in orange marched for equality. This was *Makal Sakthi*.This was the ripple that started the tsunami.
Barisan Nasional was swept out of 5 states. Since then Barisan Nasional has become more extreme in their policies. They have become more brutal with the people. On 1st August, the lovers of justice and liberty marched again.. Again Barisan Nasional responded with violence and brutality. 638 people including women and children were arrested. Despite the police shutting down the city, despite the many road blocks and barricades, despite the arrest of those wearing black, the number who succeeded in gathering far exceeded my expectations.
But the size of the gathering cannot be bigger than my hope for Malaysia.
My hope is for every one that braved the tear gas and water cannons there will be many thousands more.
We want hundreds of thousands to march with us.
We will march from under the shadow of fear into the light of justice.
My hope is that the flame burning in each who gathered that day will kindle the hearts and minds of many thousands more.
Malaysians will find the courage to stand-up for principles and convictions.
We must stand up for what is right.
This is my hope and this is the hope of all Malaysians.
Truth, love and justice will prevail over the forces of hate and oppression. This will only happen when the silent majority refuses to remain silent anymore. This will only happen when the voice of the majority is finally heard.
We must be confident that oppression and corruption cannot endure. We must take comfort that truth and justice will always prevail. But this can only be achieved if we fight for it.
We must fight today for a better tomorrow.
Looking into the future, let not our children look back and say that these are dark days. Let them say that these are great days. These are the most glorious days that our country ever had. These days will be remembered as the days that when we were called, we answered. We stood up. We stood together shoulder to shoulder irrespective of race or religion. We fought and we prevailed. Each of us played our part according to our strength.
Our children and their children will look back on these days and celebrate it as the days we became *ONE NATION*..
These days will be etched in our Nation's history as the days we won over injustice and oppression. These will be the days we celebrate *THE TRUE MERDEKA.*
Thank you, Xie xie , terima kasih, vanakam...
Have a blessed day.
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A VOTE FOR BN IS A VOTE FOR PERKASA!!! (Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Negara)
Message from William Leong, PKR Treasurer
Dear ALL,
Fellow country-men/ women & all,
Please pass this important message to all your relatives, friends and contacts (who are still Malaysians). Those living overseas please help to fwd this e-mail.
This message below is directed to All Malaysians.
If you are not a Malaysian, then take it for information sake. Politics itself is not dirty, but it’s people who make it dirty.... so it depends on which side of the fence you are in.
Thanks to W.F. Cheah for sharing this article by William Leong. William Leong is the treasurer of PKR and younger brother of ex minister, Paul Leong.
Practising in law for 20 odd years before going into politics
All Malaysians are duty bound to help each other to achieve a better life in our country. With the performance of the UMNO/BN for the last 52 years, especially the last 28 years, the country has been raped by politicians and their cronies. You know how arrogant they are; let us have look.
1. They are extending the APs to 2015! They are giving themselves free money.
2. This is daylight robbery. We are talking big bucks, billions from the rakyat (including Malays).
3. The taxes and duties on cars continue to be high to protect Proton but we the public pay through our nose. If the PR government comes into power we can expect prices to drop by at least 50% for imported cars.
4. Why are we paying these cronies our hard earned money so that they can drive around in their new and latest Ferraris, BMWs etc.
5. Have you noticed that they appoint themselves to high paying jobs and positions where they can also earn additional side income? Again these side incomes run into billions.
6. The Accountant General reported that RM 28B was wasted by you know who and for who. These figures probably do not involve the highly secretive arms contracts which run into billions.
7. Look at the way they snatched the Perak State government.
8. Look at the way they treated Teoh Beng Hock.
9. Look at the way they are trying to get Anwar.
10. Look at the Lingam's Royal Commission.
11. Look at the PKFZ delaying tactics, get one report after another, and then another and if necessary another and then only the small fish get caught and hauled to Court.
What a way to fool us? Either they are stupid or we are stupid. The abuse and cheating has been going on for far too long. Only you and I and together with all Malaysians who care can stop them.
Between now and the next General Elections we have to campaign now as if the GE is just 6 months from now.
Not only do we campaign, we must get our friends to get others and others to do the same. Let us not be fooled again and again.
Please start now, if 10 of us can each get 10 we will have 100 and if each of the hundred gets 10 we will have 1000. If we keep going, we will reach more than 10M active Malaysians to force a change.
This is a legacy we must give our children/grandchild ren, they deserve better. The alternative is too horrendous to look at.
Look at Indonesia, Japan , S. Korea and Taiwan , all their old and corrupt parties have been replaced,
Malaysia is next.
What Independence? On this August 31st, we shall celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the British leaving our country. I did not say we are celebrating the 52nd anniversary of our independence.
This is because our people have not enjoyed real liberty, democracy or justice. Without liberty, democracy or justice there is no independence. In these 52 years the oppressive rule of a foreign colonial master has been replaced by the oppressive rule of a local master... They rule with an iron fist.
They use the same instruments of oppression as the British did. They use the ISA, the Sedition Act, the Printing Press & Publications Act and detention without trial.
The freedom of assembly, the freedom of expression and the freedom to live a life of dignity free from fear and oppression are illusions. In these 52 years the yoke of a foreign colonial master has been replaced by the yoke of a local master.
They use the same policy of "divide and rule". They survive by feeding off racialism. They survive by fostering divisiveness. They survive by preaching religious intolerance.
What Teoh Beng Hock died for Malaysians will not know real independence, will not be free and will not enjoy democracy unless this oppressive regime is thrown out.
They must be thrown out just like Teoh Beng Hock was thrown out from the 14th floor of the MACC office. We must not forget Teoh Beng Hock. We must not forget what he stood for. More importantly, we must not forget what he died for.
He lived to help Malaysians in the struggle against corruption and oppression. He died so that our struggle can live. He died fighting for justice.
What Justice? Without justice we cannot say we have liberty or democracy or equal rights. We cannot say we have liberty or freedom when Tamil schools have no tables and chairs.
When in Sabah and Sarawak, schools have no electricity. A child that is illiterate is not free. We cannot say we have democracy or equal rights for women, when a Chinese girl with 9A1s cannot enter a university.. A girl without a job has no rights. We cannot say we have freedom of choice when a man cannot feed his family.
A starving man has no choice. Liberty, democracy and freedom are meaningless words when there is no justice. Justice is political liberty. Justice is economic independence.
Justice is equality. There is no political liberty when you vote out of fear. There is no economic independence when you give your support out of fear your son's scholarship will be withdrawn or your license will be withdrawn.
There is no freedom of choice when you elect a party out of fear for your contract or your business. This is what has been happening in these 52 years and this will continue if we do not act.
There will be many more Teoh Beng Hocks and many more Port Klang Free Zones if we do not stop them.
What One Malaysia? Najib says he wants One Malaysia..
Teoh Beng Hock’s death has shocked us back to reality.
We cannot just listen to rhetoric. We must look at the deeds.
When we look, we see what has been done, is a far cry from what has been said.
The Perak government has been stolen from its people.
Najib has now declared his intention to grab the Selangor government. The MACC is a tool. It is used to de-stabilize the Pakatan Rakyat government. Teoh Beng Hock was interrogated throughout the night.
He was grilled for buying RM2,400 worth of Malaysian flags. No one has been grilled when PKFZ loss RM12..6 billion.
The MACC officers are raiding the Pakatan Exco members’ offices so often they are becoming fixtures. Cars, cows and Malaysian flags have become a fixation of the MACC. MACC has not shown the same enthusiasm when it comes to BN assemblymen who used up their annual allocation of RM500,000 in 2 months before the general elections. The MACC has also not shown any interest in the trips by the former chief minister and his family to study the river system in Disney Land. There is no investigation into how the former chief minister can afford to purchase a multi-million ringgit mansion that is beyond the means of a chief minister's salary.
Barisan Nasional machinery is now on the move.
Books attacking Anwar Ibrahim and Khalid Ibrahim are being distributed. The authors of these books are sowing the seeds of hatred and contempt.
They desecrated the Hindu's sacred cow in a protest filled with bigotry. They protested against a Hindu temple built 150 years ago when the area was a plantation that today, just like its devotees, the estate workers, had been left behind by development.
They have forgotten Muslims were invited to practice their religion amongst the people of Yathrib. They are beating the drums of racial and religious hatred and the tone is becoming harsher with each beat.
The people must now decide. There cannot be any fence sitters.
There is no middle ground.
When Teoh Beng Hock was thrown out, the people of Malaysia were thrown together with him into the sea of political troubles.
Whether Malaysia will sink or swim is now up to the people. The people must decide once and for all what is right and what is wrong. There cannot be a neutral ground.
Dante said: “The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of moral crisis.”
Today in Malaysia there is no place for neutrality. Malaysians must make their choice now. If we want to know what is evil and what is right, we must use our moral compass. It is only when we know the direction where justice lies can we know where we must stand.
Do we want to choose liberty and justice which are always right or do we want to choose corruption, hatred, arrogance and oppression which are always wrong?
The choice is clear.
Every Malaysian must make his stand.
I want to tell you that when you stand for liberty, we will stand with you.
When you defend democracy, we will be your shield.
When you fight for justice, we will be your sword.
We will always be with you.
They assaulted *Anwar Ibrahim.
*They threw him in jail for 6 long years...
They call him a traitor and worse.
But Anwar will always be here to fight for you.
They hounded and harassed *Lim Kit Siang. *They detained him in Kamunting..
But Lim Kit Siang will always be here to stand by you.
They attacked *Tok Guru Nik Aziz *and tried to humiliate him. But Tok Guru Nik Aziz will always be here to protect you.
We have been tested. They have thrown everything they have at us but we are still standing and we are still here.
We were here in November 2007 when a sea of yellow marched for a free and fair election. This was *BERSIH*. We were here in December when thousands in orange marched for equality. This was *Makal Sakthi*.This was the ripple that started the tsunami.
Barisan Nasional was swept out of 5 states. Since then Barisan Nasional has become more extreme in their policies. They have become more brutal with the people. On 1st August, the lovers of justice and liberty marched again.. Again Barisan Nasional responded with violence and brutality. 638 people including women and children were arrested. Despite the police shutting down the city, despite the many road blocks and barricades, despite the arrest of those wearing black, the number who succeeded in gathering far exceeded my expectations.
But the size of the gathering cannot be bigger than my hope for Malaysia.
My hope is for every one that braved the tear gas and water cannons there will be many thousands more.
We want hundreds of thousands to march with us.
We will march from under the shadow of fear into the light of justice.
My hope is that the flame burning in each who gathered that day will kindle the hearts and minds of many thousands more.
Malaysians will find the courage to stand-up for principles and convictions.
We must stand up for what is right.
This is my hope and this is the hope of all Malaysians.
Truth, love and justice will prevail over the forces of hate and oppression. This will only happen when the silent majority refuses to remain silent anymore. This will only happen when the voice of the majority is finally heard.
We must be confident that oppression and corruption cannot endure. We must take comfort that truth and justice will always prevail. But this can only be achieved if we fight for it.
We must fight today for a better tomorrow.
Looking into the future, let not our children look back and say that these are dark days. Let them say that these are great days. These are the most glorious days that our country ever had. These days will be remembered as the days that when we were called, we answered. We stood up. We stood together shoulder to shoulder irrespective of race or religion. We fought and we prevailed. Each of us played our part according to our strength.
Our children and their children will look back on these days and celebrate it as the days we became *ONE NATION*..
These days will be etched in our Nation's history as the days we won over injustice and oppression. These will be the days we celebrate *THE TRUE MERDEKA.*
Thank you, Xie xie , terima kasih, vanakam...
Have a blessed day.
............. ......... ......... ........ .......... ......... ......... ......... ..........

Good Lord, a suicide note from Teoh Beng Hock!
Richard Loh
Why waste public funds and the hundreds of man-hours spent on the inquest of Teoh Beng Hock's death?
The AG is such a powerful man he can order the case shut by just stamping 'NFA' on the file. Or does the AG want to show Malaysians and the world how our justice system can be toyed with by the powerful as and when they like - even to the extent of their capability to cover-up murders?
I must admit that there is no time limit for evidences to surface even if a case is closed and should it warrant, the case can be re-opened. Likewise for the murder of Altantuya, even though the murderers have been found guilty and sentenced to death, should new evidence surface to show another person or the mastermind who was behind the murder, that person can still be charged.
In Teoh Beng Hock's case, it looks suspicious when a new piece of evidence, widely believed to be a suicide note was found inside the deceased’s sling bag. The press statement from the AG's Chamber regarding this new found evidence does nothing more than to show how sloppy the investigation was carried out right from the initial stage. There is heavy suspicion of fabricated evidence being planted.
You can read the full press statement here.
Let us take a look at what the AG statement claimed: In italic is the AG statement and my rebuttal in normal font.
"The Attorney-General Chambers was informed of the discovery of the note by the Investigating Officer, ASP Ahmad Nazri bin Zainal on 7.10.09 some two over months after Teoh Beng Hock’s death. According to the Investigation Officer it was not found when he first searched the deceased’s sling bag after the incident."
Can you see how desperate they are to fabricate evidence by saying something that stupid to try and convince you "it was not found when he first searched the deceased’s sling bag after the incident". They did search the sling bag after the incident but the 'supposed' suicide note was not there. Yet after two months, they managed to discover it.
From a layman's understanding, after the police, MACC, AG, the forensic and hospital had fully completed their investigation, all personal belongings of the deceased should have been itemised, tagged and recorded after a thorough search. Those items that required to be produced as evidence will be retained under locked and key while the rest should be returned to the family members.
The questions are:
Why was the sling bag not returned to the family members?
If it was not returned, how was it to be used and considered as evidence in the inquest/trial?
If they really needed to make a search again, why were all parties not informed?
To me, the only reason is to plant fabricated evidence.
"The note was immediately translated and there was sufficient cause to send it to be analysed by a Document Examiner of the Chemistry Department. The said note was sent on 9.10.09 and subsequently on 20.10.09."
Should not all parties be informed unless they are trying to fabricate evidence.
"The Document Examiner prepared his reports and they were considered by the Attorney-General himself where the Attorney-General, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail was not convinced of the authenticity of the note due to insufficient samples to verify the handwritings in particular the Chinese characters.
In addition, the note was said to be discovered some two over months after the death and that this would raise suspicion over its authenticity and discovery.
Having considered these factors, Tan Sri Abdul Gani was of the view that the note should not be tendered until and unless the Investigation Officer could provide satisfactory explanation as to its discovery."
These are just frivolous statement, a camouflage for appeasing those who are stupid.
"As regards the note, the Attorney-General’s Chambers was earlier briefed by the Investigation Officer that he conducted a thorough search after being advised by the psychiatric that ordinarily there would be a note left in a suicide case.
However, recently the Investigation Officer owned up by admitting that he did in fact find the note when he searched the sling bag on 17.7.10 but did not realise the significance of it as there were other documents found and that they were written in both Chinese and Roman characters."
This is indeed a masterpiece, base on psychiatric advice, they went hunting for a suicide note and wallah! a suicide note was discovered. How convenient, they found nothing in the first search, but after talking to the psychiatric they suddenly managed to find one suicide note.
Can you see how sloppy they are? Even when wanting to plant fabricated evidence.
Govt Was Right 35 Years Ago ... by Retired Umno Man
27 May, 2010
Umno, the Malay Chamber of Commerce, Perkasa, Ibrahim Ali, and what not are shouting, ranting, raving, screaming & hollering about ‘nasib Melayu’ or the plight of the Malays, in particular the Malays of Penang.
I don’t know what Ibrahim Ali was doing back in the mid-1970s but judging from the age of many of those others in the crowd I think many of them tak sunat lagi back in the mid-1970s. Tak sunat lagi means you are so young that you are not circumcised yet & your little dick still has its foreskin.
Yes, back in the mid-1970s - 35 years or so ago when I was still in my 20s & not even 30 yet - I was already fighting to improve the lot of the Malays. And 35 years ago those shouting, ranting, raving, screaming & hollering today were either too damn young or were not even born yet. We realised even back then that if something were not done the Malays would be left out. We realised that unless something were done now, 35 years ago, the Malays would be left behind. So we sat down with various Malay leaders & those who walk in the corridors of power - the Prime Minister included - to plan & chart the future of the Malays. And we did this for more than 20 years from the mid-1970s to the mid-1990s before I decided it was a lost cause & that I had better move on to other things.
The problem we faced was as what the then Minister of Trade & Industry Rafidah Aziz said: Melayu mampu daya maju tapi tak mampu daya tahan. This came from the Minister herself & means the Malays can be viable but can’t be sustainable. Malays can achieve success but can’t sustain the success. The Minister then revealed details & lamented about all the wealth the government gave the Malays in the form of land, concessions, permits, ‘pink slips’ on new stock exchange listings, and what not, which, if the Malays had kept, would mean the Malays would have far exceeded the 30% target of the New Economic Policy.
But the Malays did not keep this wealth. The Malays sold it. The land, concessions, permits, ‘pink slips’ on new stock exchange listings, and whatnot, were all sold. So the Malay holding reduced & ended up in the hand of the non-Malays. This was what troubled the government, the Malay leaders, those who walk in the corridors of power, and us in the Malay Chamber of Commerce. So they now lament about how left behind the Malays in Penang are. They should chart the progression of the Malays in Penang from 224 years ago until today & analyse at what point it went up & went down again. Were the Malays driven out? Were the Malays pushed out? Or did the Malays sell out? And why & how did the Malays sell out?
There is such a thing called the law of supply & demand. There is such a thing called market forces. There is such a thing called willing buyer, willing seller. When there is a demand there will be a seller. And since there was a demand for land in Penang then for sure the landowners would sell. It is all about making a profit.
So Penang developed. It became known as the Pearl of the Orient. So the capitalists moved in, as capitalists always do anywhere in the world where there is money to be made. And the Malays saw the route to easy & quick cash available to them. So they sold their land for a lot of money & moved on to another place where the land was cheaper. Now they could have their cake & could eat it too. They sold their small piece of land in Penang for a lot of money & bought an even bigger piece of land, say in Kedah, for a small amount of money and still had a lot of money left to go to Mekah, send their kids to university, and what not.
Today, many of those old folks & landowners of the 1960s & 1970s are dead. They are no longer alive. Their land in Penang had been sold off long before they died. And their children & grandchildren no longer own land in Penang. This is because the old folks had sold it off when they were still young or before they were born. Today, the Malays are angry because the land in Penang is owned mainly by the non-Malays. But this is so not because the non-Malays stole the land but because the Malays sold it for a lot of money. It is what any property owner would do when the property they bought for RM100 two world wars ago can now fetch RM500k on the open market. Only a fool would turn down RM500k in profit.
The more the Malays scream about being left behind in Penang the more the Malays would look stupid & would be revealing their weaknesses. Back in the 1970s the government already sighed & lamented that come the year 2000, the Malays would still be left with nothing.
We can help the Malays, the government said. We can do what you want us to do. But if the Malays just sell off whatever we give them, then come 2000 the Malays would still end up with nothing. And then the Malays would turn round & blame the government. The Malays would say the government does not care about them. They will never admit that the government did so much for the Malays but the Malays were not sustaining & maintaining for the long term what the government gave them.
Say what you like about Rafidah Aziz & those many of the 1970s & 1980s era. They did try & they tried very hard. I should know because I was part of it. But we all knew that it was a futile effort. We can try to help the Malays to get rich. But they will not stay rich. They will sell all for quick cash & then will become poor again. And then they will blame the government because they are poor. This was anticipated 35 years ago back in the 1970s. And the government told us this would happen. But we still tried. And now it is proven that the government was right, 35 years ago.
Today, Pakatan Rakyat is ruling Penang. But Penang was founded 224 years ago back in 1786. Tomorrow, Pakatan Rakyat would have ruled Penang for exactly 2 years. For 222 years before that it was not Pakatan Rakyat that was ruling Penang. But Pakatan Rakyat is being blamed for 224 years of Penang history.
Yes, Perkasa, the new ‘Malay rights’ movement headed by Ibrahim Ali. Ask Ibrahim Ali how much the government gave him since the 1980s. In the 1970s when I was already fighting for the Malays he was still a student. Ask Ibrahim Ali to total up everything the government gave him the last 30 years or so. That figure should come to at least RM200 million-RM300 million.
How much does Ibrahim Ali still have left? Can he even find RM1 million in his bank account? Where did all that hundreds of millions go? Yes, ask Ibrahim Ali to ask himself all these questions. Then he will understand what happened to the Malays. What happened to the Malays is exactly what happened to him. He sold off everything & spent all the money just like those other Malays. And now he blames the Chinese because he is broke.
Retired Umno Man
27 May, 2010
Umno, the Malay Chamber of Commerce, Perkasa, Ibrahim Ali, and what not are shouting, ranting, raving, screaming & hollering about ‘nasib Melayu’ or the plight of the Malays, in particular the Malays of Penang.
I don’t know what Ibrahim Ali was doing back in the mid-1970s but judging from the age of many of those others in the crowd I think many of them tak sunat lagi back in the mid-1970s. Tak sunat lagi means you are so young that you are not circumcised yet & your little dick still has its foreskin.
Yes, back in the mid-1970s - 35 years or so ago when I was still in my 20s & not even 30 yet - I was already fighting to improve the lot of the Malays. And 35 years ago those shouting, ranting, raving, screaming & hollering today were either too damn young or were not even born yet. We realised even back then that if something were not done the Malays would be left out. We realised that unless something were done now, 35 years ago, the Malays would be left behind. So we sat down with various Malay leaders & those who walk in the corridors of power - the Prime Minister included - to plan & chart the future of the Malays. And we did this for more than 20 years from the mid-1970s to the mid-1990s before I decided it was a lost cause & that I had better move on to other things.
The problem we faced was as what the then Minister of Trade & Industry Rafidah Aziz said: Melayu mampu daya maju tapi tak mampu daya tahan. This came from the Minister herself & means the Malays can be viable but can’t be sustainable. Malays can achieve success but can’t sustain the success. The Minister then revealed details & lamented about all the wealth the government gave the Malays in the form of land, concessions, permits, ‘pink slips’ on new stock exchange listings, and what not, which, if the Malays had kept, would mean the Malays would have far exceeded the 30% target of the New Economic Policy.
But the Malays did not keep this wealth. The Malays sold it. The land, concessions, permits, ‘pink slips’ on new stock exchange listings, and whatnot, were all sold. So the Malay holding reduced & ended up in the hand of the non-Malays. This was what troubled the government, the Malay leaders, those who walk in the corridors of power, and us in the Malay Chamber of Commerce. So they now lament about how left behind the Malays in Penang are. They should chart the progression of the Malays in Penang from 224 years ago until today & analyse at what point it went up & went down again. Were the Malays driven out? Were the Malays pushed out? Or did the Malays sell out? And why & how did the Malays sell out?
There is such a thing called the law of supply & demand. There is such a thing called market forces. There is such a thing called willing buyer, willing seller. When there is a demand there will be a seller. And since there was a demand for land in Penang then for sure the landowners would sell. It is all about making a profit.
So Penang developed. It became known as the Pearl of the Orient. So the capitalists moved in, as capitalists always do anywhere in the world where there is money to be made. And the Malays saw the route to easy & quick cash available to them. So they sold their land for a lot of money & moved on to another place where the land was cheaper. Now they could have their cake & could eat it too. They sold their small piece of land in Penang for a lot of money & bought an even bigger piece of land, say in Kedah, for a small amount of money and still had a lot of money left to go to Mekah, send their kids to university, and what not.
Today, many of those old folks & landowners of the 1960s & 1970s are dead. They are no longer alive. Their land in Penang had been sold off long before they died. And their children & grandchildren no longer own land in Penang. This is because the old folks had sold it off when they were still young or before they were born. Today, the Malays are angry because the land in Penang is owned mainly by the non-Malays. But this is so not because the non-Malays stole the land but because the Malays sold it for a lot of money. It is what any property owner would do when the property they bought for RM100 two world wars ago can now fetch RM500k on the open market. Only a fool would turn down RM500k in profit.
The more the Malays scream about being left behind in Penang the more the Malays would look stupid & would be revealing their weaknesses. Back in the 1970s the government already sighed & lamented that come the year 2000, the Malays would still be left with nothing.
We can help the Malays, the government said. We can do what you want us to do. But if the Malays just sell off whatever we give them, then come 2000 the Malays would still end up with nothing. And then the Malays would turn round & blame the government. The Malays would say the government does not care about them. They will never admit that the government did so much for the Malays but the Malays were not sustaining & maintaining for the long term what the government gave them.
Say what you like about Rafidah Aziz & those many of the 1970s & 1980s era. They did try & they tried very hard. I should know because I was part of it. But we all knew that it was a futile effort. We can try to help the Malays to get rich. But they will not stay rich. They will sell all for quick cash & then will become poor again. And then they will blame the government because they are poor. This was anticipated 35 years ago back in the 1970s. And the government told us this would happen. But we still tried. And now it is proven that the government was right, 35 years ago.
Today, Pakatan Rakyat is ruling Penang. But Penang was founded 224 years ago back in 1786. Tomorrow, Pakatan Rakyat would have ruled Penang for exactly 2 years. For 222 years before that it was not Pakatan Rakyat that was ruling Penang. But Pakatan Rakyat is being blamed for 224 years of Penang history.
Yes, Perkasa, the new ‘Malay rights’ movement headed by Ibrahim Ali. Ask Ibrahim Ali how much the government gave him since the 1980s. In the 1970s when I was already fighting for the Malays he was still a student. Ask Ibrahim Ali to total up everything the government gave him the last 30 years or so. That figure should come to at least RM200 million-RM300 million.
How much does Ibrahim Ali still have left? Can he even find RM1 million in his bank account? Where did all that hundreds of millions go? Yes, ask Ibrahim Ali to ask himself all these questions. Then he will understand what happened to the Malays. What happened to the Malays is exactly what happened to him. He sold off everything & spent all the money just like those other Malays. And now he blames the Chinese because he is broke.
Retired Umno Man
Monday, August 23, 2010

19 August 2010
Lawyer Abdul Razak - 'You had come to 'attack MACC"......
Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) prosecutor Abdul Razak Musa left lawyers and the public gallery alternately bemused and frustrated as he cross-examined a Thai forensics expert at the Teoh Beng Hock inquest today.
At the same time,Thai pathologist Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand stood her ground despite his incessant attacks on her expertise, observations and conclusions on the death of the DAP political aide in July last year.
Her unequivocal responses quickly prompted legal department head Abdul Razak to ask if she had come to “to attack the MACC".
Pornthip calmly said: "I am here to defend the rights of the dead. Not for the Selangor government or anyone."
The forensic expert received so many rounds of applause from those in the public gallery for her comebacks, that an announcement had to be made for those present to maintain decorum.
Pornthip was cross-examined after she told coroner Azmil Muntapha Abas she found no evidence to suggest suicide by Teoh. Abdul Razak railed at her from the onset by raising doubts about her credibility as an expert witness.
"Did you know that the university that you graduated from is not recognised in Malaysia?" he asked, eliciting disgruntled murmurs from the gallery.
To that, Pornthip answered, "But it is in the top five in Asia."
Unsatisfied, Abdul Razak sought to discredit her by claiming that she had "moved the goalposts" because what she said this morning had 'contradicted' her earlier testimony. (Her testimony today was based on observation of a second post-mortem, while her initial conclusions were based on a report on the first post-mortem.)
Pornthip refuted Abdul Razak, saying she had conclusively answered the possibilities raised in her first testimony through scientific evidence obtained in the second autopsy.
"The other doctors made a mistake," she said, noting that there were procedures which should have been made but were not undertaken during the first autopsy.
Absurd questions
Abdul Razak next had the gallery groaning in disbelief when he suggested that Teoh had strangled himself and was "depressive".
Interestingly, when asked by Gobind Singh Deo, who is representing Teoh's family, how someone can strangle himself, the MACC representative went as far as to demonstrate this on himself. If that was not enough, Abdul Razak riled up those in the gallery further by suggesting to Pornthip that her report was "based on her imagination".
In an effort to make his point, he asked if Pornthip has any experience jumping off a building.
Exasperated by the barrage of provocative questions Malik Imtiaz Sarwar - representing Pornthip and the Selangor government - stood up to say: “With questions like these, we would all want to jump off a building.”
Abdul Razak also got his facts muddled, prompting Pornthip to repeatedly ask him to "remind (himself) of her report" and to "read the report". But the lawyer was adamant, claiming he had "spent three days reading" the 11-page report. His mix-ups led to representatives of the Bar Council and coroner Azmil Muntapha Abas to step in, to correct him.
Glaringly, the lawyer quizzed Pornthip on why she said Teoh was dead when he fell off Level 14, (where the MACC office is located in Plaza Masalam) but alive when he hit the landing on Level 5.
"I accept that he was alive. I never said that he was dead," said Pornthip who has offered her services on a pro bono basis.
Visibly amused, the coroner stepped in to clarify that issue was whether Teoh was conscious or otherwise, not if he was dead or alive. This was to no avail as Abdul Razak remained bewildered. He then puzzled the court when he stated, "If (Teoh) was unconscious, his body would be heavier."
Retorted the pathologist: "There would be no difference. Scientifically, how could weight loss happen according to consciousness?" Tired of explaining to Abdul Razak, who accused her of having "already made up her mind (against suicide)", Pornthip finally answered that she disagrees with his comments.
The court's amusement turned into frustration towards the end of Abdul Razak's line of questioning. Members of the public sighed loudly when he finally wrapped up - and one even bellowed "Thank you!".
Abdul Razak later left the court complex in a huff, slamming shut his car door when questioned by reporters. As his driver moved the car forward, it 'nudged' a Teoh supporter twice, as he tried to prevent the vehicle from leaving. However, Ho Mun Chong - a DAP member who has attended every inquest hearing - was not injured. - Aidila Razak

Thursday, August 19, 2010
All eyes on DPM's reaxn to Indian-dog Chinese-go-home principal
Amid deafening silence from Prime Minister Najib Razak and his deputy Muhyiddin Yassin, calls are growing for the BN government to sack with immediate effect a Johor school principal for making racist remarks insulting to the Chinese and Indian communities.
“The severest disciplinary action must be taken against Siti Inshah, who is clearly unfit to be in the education service of a multi-racial society like Malaysia, let alone be a school principal,” DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang said in a statement.
“It is going against the very precepts of the 1Malaysia policy enunciated by Prime Minister Najib Razak since April last year.”
He was referring to Hajah Siti Inshah binti Mansor, the principal of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra in Kulai. At her school's Merdeka celebrations last week, she had said in a speech:
“Pelajar-pelajar Cina tidak diperlukan dan boleh balik ke China ataupun Sekolah Foon Yew. Bagi pelajar India, tali sembahyang yang diikat di pergelangan tangan dan leher pelajar nampak seakan anjing dan hanya anjing akan mengikat seperti itu.”
“Chinese students are not needed and can go back to China or Foon Yew School. As for the Indian students, the prayer strings that they wear around their wrists and necks make them look like dogs and only dogs are chained up like that.”
Racism has taken root in Malaysian society
But while it sounds incredible that such unadulterated and venomous racism can still exist in the higher levels of Malaysia’s education system, growing polarization has become a fact of everyday life despite 53 years of independence from British rule.
Pundits say the divide is deliberate and this is why feelings of racism amongst the Malays in particular has been escalating rather than declining. They point to the active programs carried out by the BN government’s national civics bureau BTN that help to create feelings of hatred towards the other races.
Sabre-rattling by Malay-ultra rights groups like Perkasa have of late also added the to the racial war as ruling party Umno tries to rally communal support ahead of looming national elections. Most of Perkasa's members are from Umno and its patron is former Umno president and prime minister Mahathir Mohamad.
“She must be punished immediately. Her comments are so offensive that to condemn is a waste of time. Just sack her. She is a reflection of how badly managed Malaysia is,” PKR MP for Bagan Serai N Gobalakrishan told Malaysia Chronicle.
“I would like to ask where is PM Najib and DPM Muhyiddin on this. Both are keeping quiet on an issue which they should act immediately without having to be prompted by the people. As for Muyhyiddin, he is also Education Minister. Why has he been so busy scolding the MCA for stepping on the Malays, what has he got to say now? And Johor is his home state. Is this also how he feels?”
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Little Napoleon meets his Waterloo
Umno's most potent political weapon is finally publicly unveiled. It is called the civil servant: it does little work, it cannot be fired.
Admission into Malaysia's civil service is highly desired by the unambitious, the incapable and the indolent. With 1.2 million civil servants (over 4 percent of the population), Umno is assured of political commitment. Thus, civil servants represent the fifth column.
For decades, elected leaders promised to remove incompetent and insolent civil servants. These bureaucrats, our paid servants, make our lives miserable. How many leaders kept their promises? Did good governance arise from these meaningless pledges? Leaders deserve to be treated with scepticism and scorn for failing to deliver.
But the tide may be turning.
In the recent spat between Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and the state development officer Nik Ali Mat Yunus it appears that Nik Ali is about to meet his Waterloo.
Nik Ali (left) is responsible to his chief minister for his actions and conduct, although he is a federal appointee. As a civil servant, he serves the government of the day, of whatever complexion.
Nik Ali's disregard for the strict code of conduct, his failure to demonstrate the core values of integrity, honesty, objectivity and impartiality, does not inspire confidence. He caused the breakdown in communication.
When we became independent, we inherited several British institutions: a good judiciary, civil service, family planning unit, police force and parliament. Years of mis-rule eroded their high standards and abolished the system of checks and balances.
Nik Ali should reread the history of the British civil service and in particular, William Harcourt's comments over two centuries ago: “The minister exists to tell the civil servant what the public will not stand”.
Reclaiming our rights
Nik Ali took umbrage and criticised Lim for his 'interference' in addressing corruption and waste of public funds. When Lim chided his civil servant, he also bore on his shoulders all our frustrations. He became our 'symbol' for clawing back our rights.
We, too, have been at the mercy of errant civil servants. We stood patiently in long queues, held our tongues, ignored the delays while they had 'extended breakfasts'. We waited to be served while they discussed the 'buhttp://aa.mc768.mail.yahoo.com/mc/welcome?.gx=1&.tm=1280846228&.rand=2d1ij3n5ntcic#Change%20Alignmentrsa saham'. We were made to feel small because of their lack of tact.
We suffered when they said, “masih tak ada keputusan” (no decision yet) because we refused their offers of “senang 'aje nak expedite”. Dare we complain? At the risk of our papers being 'lost'? These civil servants thought nothing of abusing our intellect, our time and our goodwill.
Chief secretary to the government Mohd Sidek Hassan (right), Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and Penang Umno head Azhar Ibrahim have rallied round Nik Ali. Their support for a rude civil servant, for the wrong reasons, exposes their hypocrisy, malice and sanctimony. They make good political theatre.
Didn't Najib and Sidek both condemn 'Little Napoleons' in the past? Can't they recall the 'People First' policy?
In 2006, then-PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi announced, “There is no need to show how powerful you are by delaying things. There are people who held back files and there are people who held back decisions. We don't want to have 'Little Napoleons' in the civil service showing power by delaying things, for example, just to teach that person a lesson.”
When DPM Muhyiddin said, “Nik Ali is an exemplary officer and there is no case of insubordination here,” he makes a laughingstock of himself. His failure to reproach encourages the type of gutter politics beloved of Bung Mokhtar Radin and Tajuddin Rahman.
No doubt Azhar's admonishment of Lim's style of governance as “immature and inexperienced” reveals that Umno prefers puppets on strings. Moreover, Umno is sore it cannot add corruptibility and stubbornness to Lim's list of alleged failings.
As for Ibrahim Ali (left), wading into this fracas, he acts the class bully spoiling for a fight. He should be less of a 'kay poh chee' (busybody) but instead busy himself and resolve the issues of the latest study by the Universiti Putra Malaysia's Social Sciences Institute.
The survey found that pornographic websites were accessed mostly by young urban Malays who were also inclined to lepak(idle) (15 percent), smoke (13.7 percent) as well as swear at people and play truant (11.5 percent).
Lim is right to be cross at being called biadap (rude), “That's why I cannot tolerate people who waste (public) money like Nik. No chief minister dares to upbraid a civil servant. I have been told that I was a 'terror' for doing so.”
Lim deserves an apology but would be naïve to expect Nik Ali or his political masters - the federal government - to admit the error of their ways.
Will they alter the civil service to reflect the country's racial composition? Will they accept that each race, with its own particular strength, can make a useful contribution? Will they adopt a more lean institution? Will they stop spending our money frivolously?
Saboteurs not uncommon
What happened in Penang is not uncommon. During Pakatan Rakyat's brief tenure in Perak, similar saboteurs were at work to undermine Pakatan. Civil servants complained of oppression by constant interference from the federal government.
This government has repeatedly ignored the electorate. It intimidates those who expose wrongdoings and corruption in our civil service, judiciary and other institutions. It silences those who write about what is right and just.
Unlike the BN stooges, decent Malaysians do not judge by the artificial criterion of popular appeal.
In 1994, Lim defended an underaged Malay girl who was allegedly raped by then Malacca Chief Minister Rahim Thamby Chik. Both Lim and the girl were imprisoned; the alleged rapist escaped all charges. Did any senior civil servant or BN politician protest at this outrage? No. They closed ranks.
Today, Lim is spearheading a charge towards a cleaner, more transparent and open style of governance. He is not 'all talk and no action'.
What happened in Penang is not about a chief minister reprimanding his civil servant. It is about fear. Our inefficient, bloated and arrogant civil service is afraid of losing its privileged existence.
The writer wishes to acknowledge the thousands of dedicated, loyal and hardworking civil servants to whom this article does not apply to.
MARIAM MOKHTAR is a non-conformist traditionalist from Perak, a bucket chemist and an armchair eco-warrior. In 'real-speak', this translates into that she comes from Ipoh, values change but respects culture, is a petroleum chemist and also an environmental pollution-control scientist.
Admission into Malaysia's civil service is highly desired by the unambitious, the incapable and the indolent. With 1.2 million civil servants (over 4 percent of the population), Umno is assured of political commitment. Thus, civil servants represent the fifth column.
For decades, elected leaders promised to remove incompetent and insolent civil servants. These bureaucrats, our paid servants, make our lives miserable. How many leaders kept their promises? Did good governance arise from these meaningless pledges? Leaders deserve to be treated with scepticism and scorn for failing to deliver.
But the tide may be turning.
In the recent spat between Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and the state development officer Nik Ali Mat Yunus it appears that Nik Ali is about to meet his Waterloo.
Nik Ali (left) is responsible to his chief minister for his actions and conduct, although he is a federal appointee. As a civil servant, he serves the government of the day, of whatever complexion.
Nik Ali's disregard for the strict code of conduct, his failure to demonstrate the core values of integrity, honesty, objectivity and impartiality, does not inspire confidence. He caused the breakdown in communication.
When we became independent, we inherited several British institutions: a good judiciary, civil service, family planning unit, police force and parliament. Years of mis-rule eroded their high standards and abolished the system of checks and balances.
Nik Ali should reread the history of the British civil service and in particular, William Harcourt's comments over two centuries ago: “The minister exists to tell the civil servant what the public will not stand”.
Reclaiming our rights
Nik Ali took umbrage and criticised Lim for his 'interference' in addressing corruption and waste of public funds. When Lim chided his civil servant, he also bore on his shoulders all our frustrations. He became our 'symbol' for clawing back our rights.
We, too, have been at the mercy of errant civil servants. We stood patiently in long queues, held our tongues, ignored the delays while they had 'extended breakfasts'. We waited to be served while they discussed the 'buhttp://aa.mc768.mail.yahoo.com/mc/welcome?.gx=1&.tm=1280846228&.rand=2d1ij3n5ntcic#Change%20Alignmentrsa saham'. We were made to feel small because of their lack of tact.
We suffered when they said, “masih tak ada keputusan” (no decision yet) because we refused their offers of “senang 'aje nak expedite”. Dare we complain? At the risk of our papers being 'lost'? These civil servants thought nothing of abusing our intellect, our time and our goodwill.
Chief secretary to the government Mohd Sidek Hassan (right), Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and Penang Umno head Azhar Ibrahim have rallied round Nik Ali. Their support for a rude civil servant, for the wrong reasons, exposes their hypocrisy, malice and sanctimony. They make good political theatre.
Didn't Najib and Sidek both condemn 'Little Napoleons' in the past? Can't they recall the 'People First' policy?
In 2006, then-PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi announced, “There is no need to show how powerful you are by delaying things. There are people who held back files and there are people who held back decisions. We don't want to have 'Little Napoleons' in the civil service showing power by delaying things, for example, just to teach that person a lesson.”
When DPM Muhyiddin said, “Nik Ali is an exemplary officer and there is no case of insubordination here,” he makes a laughingstock of himself. His failure to reproach encourages the type of gutter politics beloved of Bung Mokhtar Radin and Tajuddin Rahman.
No doubt Azhar's admonishment of Lim's style of governance as “immature and inexperienced” reveals that Umno prefers puppets on strings. Moreover, Umno is sore it cannot add corruptibility and stubbornness to Lim's list of alleged failings.

The survey found that pornographic websites were accessed mostly by young urban Malays who were also inclined to lepak(idle) (15 percent), smoke (13.7 percent) as well as swear at people and play truant (11.5 percent).
Lim is right to be cross at being called biadap (rude), “That's why I cannot tolerate people who waste (public) money like Nik. No chief minister dares to upbraid a civil servant. I have been told that I was a 'terror' for doing so.”
Lim deserves an apology but would be naïve to expect Nik Ali or his political masters - the federal government - to admit the error of their ways.
Will they alter the civil service to reflect the country's racial composition? Will they accept that each race, with its own particular strength, can make a useful contribution? Will they adopt a more lean institution? Will they stop spending our money frivolously?
Saboteurs not uncommon
What happened in Penang is not uncommon. During Pakatan Rakyat's brief tenure in Perak, similar saboteurs were at work to undermine Pakatan. Civil servants complained of oppression by constant interference from the federal government.
This government has repeatedly ignored the electorate. It intimidates those who expose wrongdoings and corruption in our civil service, judiciary and other institutions. It silences those who write about what is right and just.
Unlike the BN stooges, decent Malaysians do not judge by the artificial criterion of popular appeal.
In 1994, Lim defended an underaged Malay girl who was allegedly raped by then Malacca Chief Minister Rahim Thamby Chik. Both Lim and the girl were imprisoned; the alleged rapist escaped all charges. Did any senior civil servant or BN politician protest at this outrage? No. They closed ranks.
Today, Lim is spearheading a charge towards a cleaner, more transparent and open style of governance. He is not 'all talk and no action'.
What happened in Penang is not about a chief minister reprimanding his civil servant. It is about fear. Our inefficient, bloated and arrogant civil service is afraid of losing its privileged existence.
The writer wishes to acknowledge the thousands of dedicated, loyal and hardworking civil servants to whom this article does not apply to.
MARIAM MOKHTAR is a non-conformist traditionalist from Perak, a bucket chemist and an armchair eco-warrior. In 'real-speak', this translates into that she comes from Ipoh, values change but respects culture, is a petroleum chemist and also an environmental pollution-control scientist.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Why MALAYSIA is in trouble
Population: 27 MILLION
13.5 MILLION retired

2.7 MILLION in state Govt;
2.3 MILLION in central Govt.
(Both categories don't work)

1 MILLION IT professional (work for India )

2.5 MILLION in school

3 MILLION are under 5 years

1 MILLION unemployed

0.7 MILLION u can find anytime in hospitals

Statistics says u find 299,998 people anytime in jail
The Balance two are U & Me.
U are busy " checking Mails /sending fwds.. "..!!


wish me good luck
13.5 MILLION retired

2.7 MILLION in state Govt;
2.3 MILLION in central Govt.
(Both categories don't work)

1 MILLION IT professional (work for India )

2.5 MILLION in school

3 MILLION are under 5 years

1 MILLION unemployed

0.7 MILLION u can find anytime in hospitals

Statistics says u find 299,998 people anytime in jail
The Balance two are U & Me.
U are busy " checking Mails /sending fwds.. "..!!


wish me good luck
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Kenapa Proton tak jual harga macam kat Arab Saudi?
Apa istimewanya orang Arab?
Kata ”Rakyat didahulukan”…..
Kenapa orang Arab lebih diutamakan?
Haaaa…..Jawapannya ialah…..Pemilik Proton di Malaysia semuanya dah kena tipu …..Hahaha
Harga Persona kat Saudi = SR 36,100
Harga Gen2 kat Saudi = SR 33,600
Harga Waja kat Saudi = SR 37,950
1 Saudi Riyal = RM 0.94
Maknanya harga Persona kat Saudi = RM 33,934 aje
Maknanya harga Proton Gen2 kat Saudi = RM 32,256 aje
Maknanya harga Waja kat Saudi = RM 35,673 aje
1 Malaysia bayar RM 66,799.97 untuk 1 Waja di Msia!
RM31,126.97 lebih MAHAL!
Malaysia Government suppose to protect their people instead of cheating their hard earnings..!!
Another case of "Too many rubbish in UMNO"
Syed Idris B. Kamaruddin
Thursday, August 12, 2010

17 A's student failed 2nd-year university exam
"The roots of true achievement lie in the will to become the best that you can become...."
I was really shocked and speechless to be informed about Nur Amalina Che Bakri.
Nur Amalina had held briefly the record of the most A's scored in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia. Upon the announcement of results of SPM 2004 on 26 March 2005, she received 17 1As - a record for number of A's received by a student in the history of Malaysian education back then. She was sponsored by Bank Negara Malaysia to study medicine in the United Kingdom, and did her A-levels at the Cheltenham Ladies College in the UK.
Now I am informed that she had failed her second year medical study at the University of Edinburgh. What went wrong?
Could English language be the problem? We are going back to Malay medium again and that means trouble.
Another article by Dr. Hsu
I was told that one of the girls with the most number of A's, 17 A1's, in SPM and who is currently on a scholarship in UK to study medicine failed in her second year examination.
While passing and failing examination is part and parcel of a student’s life, this case is particularly alarming, as this is supposed to be our cream of the cream. There may be other reasons why she failed , but this case typifies the trend of many of our so-called ‘top scholars’ failing in overseas universities.
I have mentioned before that among my daughter ’s year doing medicine in University of Auckland, there were many JPA's scholars (more than 10). Only one graduated with the class. The rest have failed along the way and have to repeat the year which they have failed. Some have failed one year, passed on second attempt and then failed again in another year. It is not uncommon to have someone who failed a few times along the way.
These scholars are supposed to represent the cream of our students, and yet they struggled to get through the course.
We must find out the reasons why so many of these scholars fail when they are supposed to be the our top students..
Granted that in an examination, even a good student can do badly sometimes, but to have a disproportional high failure rate among the so called top students is alarming and cannot be attributed to ‘luck’ or the lack of it. Compare this with those on their fathers’ scholarship, very few of the latter group failed.
Is it because our marking system is at fault? Is there any differential markings of papers? Is our education system at fault?
I think the time has come to have a thorough re-examination of the whole education as well as the examination system.
It really reflects badly on our country when scholarship holders fail in their examinations at an alarming rate.
P.S.. When a scholarship holder fails and has to repeat a year, it would cost the Country a lot of money which can actually be used to finance more students for study. Scholarship holders also live a life of relative luxury, compared to self-financed students, and they normally stay in the best hostels and many of them have cars and so on… SO the whole system of awarding scholarship should be reviewed too…
If the students scores an exemplary number of distinctions (A's in Malaysia) in a public exam, they are considered the pinnacle of what the Country's education system is capable of producing. They are expected to go through tertiary education anywhere in the world with flushing success. So what could possibly have happened if they fail abroad?
Malaysia's education system has always been a laughing stock. Based purely on numeric superiority and mindless rote learning methods that even the British has long abandoned decades earlier, Malaysia continues to believe that the more A's the students attain, the better equipped they are. It doesn't matter how they get the A's so long as the aim is to get them and get as many in the process. So if the students were to labour over numerous past year exam papers in the library, memorise the answers and focus only on what the teacher 'suggests' are likely to come out for the exam, that's all right by everyone. The education system doesn't teach the students to UNDERSTAND the material. It doesn't encourage proactive teaching methods that encourage students to discover knowledge but to merely be taught.
When a student with 17 Distinctions fail in the real world, it is not a surprise. Perhaps it is to many Malaysians, but it's a system that is waiting to reward its students with spectacular failure when they leave the shores and compete overseas or when they enter the workforce. Many organisations in the private sector have continued to be horrified at the performance of such students during interviews. Communication skills are absent. Standard ethics are absent. Common courtesy codes are absent. Presentation skills as well as personal grooming are absent. What has the education system taught them?
If Malaysia continue to embark on the road of plain numeric superiority instead of to challenge the students to think, provoke them to create their own opinions and to communicate expressively, to eloquently define their standing in the world, there can never be an international leader in any field or industry emanating from Malaysia. It never produced one in the last 20 years. It never will for the next 100 years.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The information regarding the Fixed Deposit Accounts of Mahathir's wife and 3 of his children are as below. These accounts were opened at an Israeli Singapore-based bank in the neighboring country of Singapore. The bank is ISRAELI NATIONAL BANK.
That vast amount of monies could have been derived through the following:
i. Deposited by an agent of the Israeli Government or any other foreign government.
ii. Derived by the various companies of Mahathir?s cronies.
iii. Perhaps this could be the RM1Bil missing from UMNO?s account which Anwar Ibrahim brought up before he was dismissed from UMNO.
Details of accounts are as follow:
Family of Dr. Mahathir:
1. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : AGF-2192-2442- 722-(X)
Amount : USD 4,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 25/06/95
Date of Maturity : 25/06/98
(Maturity continued to 25/06/2001)
(Extension interest agreed upon)
2. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : FA-4196-2493- 313 (A)
Amount : USD 8,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 09/06/97
Date of Maturity : 09/06/00
3. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : DD-3919-714- 271-(A)
Amount : USD 5,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/12/95
Date of Maturity : 06/12/98
4. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : FB-5614-1499- 515 (C)
Amount : USD 9,800,000.00
Date of opening account : 12/11/97
Date of Maturity : 12/11/2000
Dear Folks, Talk about money. Need any? Not verified. No source. But I just received it and forward it to you.
The information regarding the Fixed Deposit Accounts of Mahathir's wife and 3 of his children are as below. These accounts were opened at an Israeli Singapore-based bank in the neighboring country of Singapore. The bank is ISRAELI NATIONAL BANK.
That vast amount of monies could have been derived through the following:
i. Deposited by an agent of the Israeli Government or any other foreign government.
ii. Derived by the various companies of Mahathir?s cronies.
iii. Perhaps this could be the RM1Bil missing from UMNO?s account which Anwar Ibrahim brought up before he was dismissed from UMNO.
Details of accounts are as follow:
Family of Dr. Mahathir:
1. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : AGF-2192-2442- 722-(X)
Amount : USD 4,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 25/06/95
Date of Maturity : 25/06/98
(Maturity continued to 25/06/2001)
(Extension interest agreed upon)
2. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : FA-4196-2493- 313 (A)
Amount : USD 8,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 09/06/97
Date of Maturity : 09/06/00
3. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : DD-3919-714- 271-(A)
Amount : USD 5,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/12/95
Date of Maturity : 06/12/98
4. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : FB-5614-1499- 515 (C)
Amount : USD 9,800,000.00
Date of opening account : 12/11/97
Date of Maturity : 12/11/2000
5. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : CE-2418-7172- 492 (E)
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 07/03/98
Date of Maturity : 07/03/01
6. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : GB-6921-4212- 712 (F)
Amount : USD 6,650,000.00
Date of opening account : 19/03/95
Date of Maturity : 19/03/98
(Maturity continuity to 19/03/2001)
7. Name : Ms Marina Bte Mahathir
Post : Malaysia AIDS Council President
Passport No. : R 671918 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : C-719-418-210 (M)
Amount : USD 13,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 17/06/96
Date of Maturity : 17/06/99
8. Name : Ms Marina Bte Mahathir
Post : Malaysia AIDS Council President
Passport No. : R 671918 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : F-817-200-11 (C)
Amount : USD 12,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 03/12/96
Date of Maturity : 03/12/99
9. Name : Ms Marina Bte Mahathir
Post : Malaysia AIDS Council President
Passport No. : R 671918 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
5 years
Account No : G-211-922-718- 2 (D)
Amount : USD 15,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 12/07/97
Date of Maturity : 12/07/02
10. Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 719325 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
1 years
Account No : F-3532-3310- 501 (NG)
Amount : USD 15,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/09/98
Date of Maturity : 21/09/99
11. Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 719325 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : DA-9159-7211- 819 (M)
Amount : USD 4,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 20/05/96
Date of Maturity : 20/05/99
12. Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 719325 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : ME-3138-5144- 219 (A)
Amount : USD 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 08/09/97
Date of Maturity : 08/09/00
13. Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 719325 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Current Account
Account No : A-7213-4441- 223 (MB)
Amount : USD 15,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 11/12/97
Withdrawal : USD 5,000,000.00 on 10/02/98
Cheque No. F2912718
Deposit : USD 9,500,000.00
Last Balance : USD 19,500,000.00
14. Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 719325 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
1 years
Account No : F-3518-3279- 441 (ND)
Amount : USD 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 08/09/98
Date of Maturity : 08/09/99
15. Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 719325 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : M-3121-3149- 512 (D)
Amount : USD 7,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 03/12/95
Date of Maturity : 03/12/98
16. Name : Mr Mirzan Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 914315 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : LA-5716-3919- 862 (C)
Amount : USD 15,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 16/08/96
Date of Maturity : 16/08/99
17. Name : Mr Mirzan Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 914315 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : CM-6983-7419- 365 (F)
Amount : S $ 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 29/06/97
Date of Maturity : 29/06/99
18. Name : Mr Mirzan Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 914315 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : JE-8145-6073- 396 (L)
Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 15/11/97
Date of Maturity : 15/11/99
19. Name : Mr Mirzan Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 914315 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
3 years
Account No : YE-3909-2616- 398 (M)
Amount : S $ 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 25/11/97
Date of Maturity : 25/11/00
20. Name : Mr Mirzan Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 914315 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
1 years
Account No : G-7051-3996- 521 (EC)
Amount : USD 12,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 26/09/98
Date of Maturity : 26/09/99
21. Name : Mr Mukhriz Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 639296 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : M-2074-6219- 332 (E)
Amount : USD 8,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 05/06/97
Date of Maturity : 05/06/99
22. Name : Mr Mukhriz Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 639296 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : DL-6074-3691- 7785 (E)
Amount : USD 3,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 26/09/97
Date of Maturity : 26/09/00
23. Name : Mr Mukhriz Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 639296 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
3 years
Account No : CF-3711-5681- 742 (G)
Amount : S $ 7,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/07/96
Date of Maturity : 06/07/99
24. Name : Ms Melinda Bte Mahathir
Post : Daughter of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 697339 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : EX-6965-7718- 396 (D)
Amount : USD 15,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 19/11/97
Date of Maturity : 19/11/99
25. Name : Ms Melinda Bte Mahathir
Post : Daughter of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 697339 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : FN-1799-6673- 983 (M)
Amount : S $ 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/01/98
Date of Maturity : 21/01/00
Ponder on the amount and think for yourself how could they have acquired these vast amount of wealth just being the wife and children of the PM of Malaysia ????
1. Name : Mr. Hashim Bin Mohamed Ali
Post : Brother-in-law of Prime Minister
Passport No. : C 341872 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : BB-1792-5126- 2197-14 (XD)
Amount : USD 6,600,000.00
Date of opening account : 14/12/96
Date of Maturity : 14/12/98
2. Name : Mr. Hashim Bin Mohamed Ali
Post : Brother-in-law of Prime Minister
Passport No. : C 341872 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : MG-3014-2132- 5188-19 (NF)
Amount : USD 11,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 16/05/97
Date of Maturity : 16/05/00
3. Name : Mr. Hashim Bin Mohamed Ali
Post : Brother-in-law of Prime Minister
Passport No. : C 341872 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : NE-5179-2212- 6125-42 (CE)
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 18/06/98
Date of Maturity : 18/06/00
USD 23,100,00.00
1. Name : Mr. Mohammad Najib Bin Abdul Razak
Post : Minister of Education
Passport No. : D 371981 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Current Account
Account No : E-7194-303-45- G
Amount : USD 7,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 22/12/95
Withdrawal : USD 2,500,000.00 on 10/01/96
Cheque No. F1742330
Withdrawal : USD 1,000,000.00 on 16/03/96
Cheque No. F1742331
Withdrawal : USD 1,000,000.00 on 01/07/96
Cheque No. F1742332
Withdrawal : USD 500,000.00 on 11/06/97
Cheque No. F1742333
2. Name : Mr. Syed Hamid Bin Syed Albar
Post : Minister of Defence
Passport No. : D 691245 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : J-321-3352-339- G
Amount : USD 8,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 14/07/96
Date of Maturity : 14/07/99
3. Name : Mr. Syed Hamid Bin Syed Albar
Post : Minister of Defence
Passport No. : D 691245 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : AC- 4192-443-54- E
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 27/11/96
Date of Maturity : 27/11/99
4. Name : Ms. Rafidah Bte Aziz
Post : Minister of International Trade And Industry
Passport No. : D 391274 (M)
Bank : Bank Of Nova Scotia
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : LA- 7211-3647-341 G
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 10/06/96
Date of Maturity : 10/06/99
5. Name : Ms. Rafidah Bte Aziz
Post : Minister of International Trade And Industry
Passport No. : D 391274 (M)
Bank : Bank Of China
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : CL 4223-6162-47 M
Amount : USD 2,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/09/96
Date of Maturity : 21/09/96
6. Name : Mr. Muhyuddin Bin Yassin
Post : Minister of Youth and Sports
Passport No. : D 512717 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
5 years
Account No : AF- 3712-229-33- Y
Amount : USD 7,700,000.00
Date of opening account : 15/06/96
Date of Maturity : 15/06/01
7. Name : Mr. Megat Junid Bin Megat Ayob
Post : Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs
Passport No. : D 299671 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : F-3091-9211- 39 (O)
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 19/08/96
Date of Maturity : 19/08/99
9. Name : Mr. Mohammad Bin Rahmat
Post : Minister of Information
Passport No. : D 423717 (M)
Bank : Development Bank of Singapore
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : C-2965-173-384- F
Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 29/11/96
Date of Maturity : 29/11/98
10. Name : Mr. Mohammad Bin Rahmat
Post : Minister of Information
Passport No. : D 423717 (M)
Bank : Development Bank of Singapore
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : CA-3129-662- 919-G
Amount : S $ 2,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/03/97
Date of Maturity : 06/03/99
11. Name : Mr. Sabbarudin Bin Chik
Post : Minister of Culture, Arts and Tourism
Passport No. : D 196432 (M)
Bank : Bank of China
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : E-699-3172-982 (B)
Amount : USD 8,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 02/09/96
Date of Maturity : 02/09/99
12. Name : Mr. Mustapa Bin Mohamed
Post : Minister of Entrepreneur
Second Finance Minister
Passport No. : D 862411 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
3 years
Account No : CA-5098-344- 66-D
Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 12/06/96
Date of Maturity : 12/06/99
13. Name : Mr. Mustapa Bin Mohamed
Post : Minister of Entrepreneur
Second Finance Minister
Passport No. : D 862411 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : DD-2141-7922- 549-F
Amount : USD $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/04/97
Date of Maturity : 21/04/99
14. Name : Ms. Siti Zaharah Binti Sulaiman
Post : Deputy Minister of Health
Passport No. : D 594071 (M)
Bank : United Overseas Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : M-3914-7179- 212-D
Amount : S $ 5,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 28/05/97
Date of Maturity : 28/05/99
15. Name : Mr. Tajol Rosli Bin Mohammad Ghazali
Post : Deputy Home Affairs Minister
Passport No. : D 691872 (M)
Bank : Development Bank of Singapore
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : B 1712-341-619- C
Amount : S $ 2,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 29/06/97
Date of Maturity : 29/06/99
16. Name : Mr. Abdul Kadir Bin Sheikh Fadzir
Post : Deputy Minister Human Resources
Passport No. : D 541781 (M)
Bank : Bank of China
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : D 319-2218-512- J
Amount : USD 3,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 28/02/98
Date of Maturity : 28/02/01
17. Name : Mr. Ibrahim Saad
Post : Deputy Minister PM Department
Passport No. : D 891741 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : M 374-6593-88 D
Amount : USD 4,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 08/06/97
Date of Maturity : 08/06/99
18. Name : Mr. Mohamed Nazri Bin Aziz
Post : Deputy Minister PM Department
Passport No. : D 871945 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : BD 5211-7925-8716- 51 MA
Amount : USD 6,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 08/06/97
Date of Maturity : 08/06/99
19. Name : Mr. Mohamad Isa Bin Abdul Samad
Post : Chief Minister of Negeri Sembilan
Passport No. : D 831569 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : E- 6654-662-719- M
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 09/07/96
Date of Maturity : 09/07/99
20. Name : Mr. Mohamad Isa Bin Abdul Samad
Post : Chief Minister of Negeri Sembilan
Passport No. : D 831569 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : J-5152-6161- 311-D
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 24/01/97
Date of Maturity : 24/01/00
21. Name : Mr. Sanusi Bin Junid
Post : Chief Minister of Kedah
Passport No. : D 659711 (M)
Bank : Israel National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : FG 3469-4462-9172 (DE)
Amount : USD 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/09/96
Date of Maturity : 21/09/99
22. Name : Mr. Sanusi Bin Junid
Post : Chief Minister of Kedah
Passport No. : D 659711 (M)
Bank : Israel National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : H 7639-1722-5243 (MG)
Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 09/06/97
Date of Maturity : 09/06/99
23. Name : Mr. Sanusi Bin Junid
Post : Chief Minister of Kedah
Passport No. : D 659711 (M)
Bank : Israel National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
1 years
Account No : DC 7943-7716-2713 33 NB
Amount : S $ 3,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 10/12/97
Date of Maturity : 10/12/98
24. Name : Mr. Abdul Ghani Bin Othmman
Post : Chief Minister of Johore
Passport No. : D 615791 (M)
Bank : Israel National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : GH 1299-4166-339 A
Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 11/06/97
Date of Maturity : 11/06/99
25. Name : Mr. Abdul Ghani Bin Othmman
Post : Chief Minister of Johore
Passport No. : D 615791 (M)
Bank : Israel National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : D 1471-3134-22 F
Amount : S $ 3,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 03/04/97
Date of Maturity : 03/04/99
26. Name : Mr. Ramli Bin Ngah Talib
Post : Chief Minister of Perak
Passport No. : D 774511 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : AB 7193-4111-331 (A)
Amount : S $ 6,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 20/12/96
Date of Maturity : 20/12/98
27. Name : Mr. Abu Zahar Bin Isnin
Post : Chief Minister of Malacca
Passport No. : R 515341 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency
3 years
Account No : FA 9132-3156-212 E
Amount : USD 2,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 11/04/96
Date of Maturity : 11/04/99
28. Name : Mr. Abu Hassan Bin Omar
Post : Chief Minister of Selangor
Passport No. : D 493718 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : M 819-5512-71 D
Amount : USD 3,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/05/97
Date of Maturity : 06/05/99
29. Name : Mr. Abu Hassan Bin Omar
Post : Chief Minister of Selangor
Passport No. : D 493718 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : M 819-5512-71 D
Amount : USD 3,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/05/97
Date of Maturity : 06/05/99
55. 1. Name : Mr. Abdul Aziz Bin Ismail
Post : Chief Private Secretary of PM
Passport No. : R 814239 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
3 years
Account No : GM 5210-6125-8862- 49 DG
Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 10/04/96
Date of Maturity : 10/04/99
56. 2. Name : Mr. Abdul Aziz Bin Shamsuddin
Post : Political Secretary 1 to PM
Passport No. : R 722217 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : HD 4179-2416-3829- 31AD
Amount : USD 3,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/12/96
Date of Maturity : 21/12/98
57. 3. Name : Mr. Mohammad Noordin Bin Bachik
Post : Private Secretary to PM
Passport No. : E 691432 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : SD 3912-4942-6918- 72 DA
Amount : S $ 4,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 03/12/96
Date of Maturity : 03/12/98
That vast amount of monies could have been derived through the following:
i. Deposited by an agent of the Israeli Government or any other foreign government.
ii. Derived by the various companies of Mahathir?s cronies.
iii. Perhaps this could be the RM1Bil missing from UMNO?s account which Anwar Ibrahim brought up before he was dismissed from UMNO.
Details of accounts are as follow:
Family of Dr. Mahathir:
1. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : AGF-2192-2442- 722-(X)
Amount : USD 4,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 25/06/95
Date of Maturity : 25/06/98
(Maturity continued to 25/06/2001)
(Extension interest agreed upon)
2. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : FA-4196-2493- 313 (A)
Amount : USD 8,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 09/06/97
Date of Maturity : 09/06/00
3. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : DD-3919-714- 271-(A)
Amount : USD 5,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/12/95
Date of Maturity : 06/12/98
4. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : FB-5614-1499- 515 (C)
Amount : USD 9,800,000.00
Date of opening account : 12/11/97
Date of Maturity : 12/11/2000
Dear Folks, Talk about money. Need any? Not verified. No source. But I just received it and forward it to you.
The information regarding the Fixed Deposit Accounts of Mahathir's wife and 3 of his children are as below. These accounts were opened at an Israeli Singapore-based bank in the neighboring country of Singapore. The bank is ISRAELI NATIONAL BANK.
That vast amount of monies could have been derived through the following:
i. Deposited by an agent of the Israeli Government or any other foreign government.
ii. Derived by the various companies of Mahathir?s cronies.
iii. Perhaps this could be the RM1Bil missing from UMNO?s account which Anwar Ibrahim brought up before he was dismissed from UMNO.
Details of accounts are as follow:
Family of Dr. Mahathir:
1. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : AGF-2192-2442- 722-(X)
Amount : USD 4,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 25/06/95
Date of Maturity : 25/06/98
(Maturity continued to 25/06/2001)
(Extension interest agreed upon)
2. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : FA-4196-2493- 313 (A)
Amount : USD 8,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 09/06/97
Date of Maturity : 09/06/00
3. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : DD-3919-714- 271-(A)
Amount : USD 5,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/12/95
Date of Maturity : 06/12/98
4. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : FB-5614-1499- 515 (C)
Amount : USD 9,800,000.00
Date of opening account : 12/11/97
Date of Maturity : 12/11/2000
5. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : CE-2418-7172- 492 (E)
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 07/03/98
Date of Maturity : 07/03/01
6. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : GB-6921-4212- 712 (F)
Amount : USD 6,650,000.00
Date of opening account : 19/03/95
Date of Maturity : 19/03/98
(Maturity continuity to 19/03/2001)
7. Name : Ms Marina Bte Mahathir
Post : Malaysia AIDS Council President
Passport No. : R 671918 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : C-719-418-210 (M)
Amount : USD 13,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 17/06/96
Date of Maturity : 17/06/99
8. Name : Ms Marina Bte Mahathir
Post : Malaysia AIDS Council President
Passport No. : R 671918 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : F-817-200-11 (C)
Amount : USD 12,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 03/12/96
Date of Maturity : 03/12/99
9. Name : Ms Marina Bte Mahathir
Post : Malaysia AIDS Council President
Passport No. : R 671918 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
5 years
Account No : G-211-922-718- 2 (D)
Amount : USD 15,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 12/07/97
Date of Maturity : 12/07/02
10. Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 719325 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
1 years
Account No : F-3532-3310- 501 (NG)
Amount : USD 15,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/09/98
Date of Maturity : 21/09/99
11. Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 719325 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : DA-9159-7211- 819 (M)
Amount : USD 4,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 20/05/96
Date of Maturity : 20/05/99
12. Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 719325 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : ME-3138-5144- 219 (A)
Amount : USD 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 08/09/97
Date of Maturity : 08/09/00
13. Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 719325 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Current Account
Account No : A-7213-4441- 223 (MB)
Amount : USD 15,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 11/12/97
Withdrawal : USD 5,000,000.00 on 10/02/98
Cheque No. F2912718
Deposit : USD 9,500,000.00
Last Balance : USD 19,500,000.00
14. Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 719325 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
1 years
Account No : F-3518-3279- 441 (ND)
Amount : USD 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 08/09/98
Date of Maturity : 08/09/99
15. Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 719325 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : M-3121-3149- 512 (D)
Amount : USD 7,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 03/12/95
Date of Maturity : 03/12/98
16. Name : Mr Mirzan Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 914315 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : LA-5716-3919- 862 (C)
Amount : USD 15,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 16/08/96
Date of Maturity : 16/08/99
17. Name : Mr Mirzan Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 914315 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : CM-6983-7419- 365 (F)
Amount : S $ 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 29/06/97
Date of Maturity : 29/06/99
18. Name : Mr Mirzan Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 914315 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : JE-8145-6073- 396 (L)
Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 15/11/97
Date of Maturity : 15/11/99
19. Name : Mr Mirzan Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 914315 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
3 years
Account No : YE-3909-2616- 398 (M)
Amount : S $ 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 25/11/97
Date of Maturity : 25/11/00
20. Name : Mr Mirzan Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 914315 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
1 years
Account No : G-7051-3996- 521 (EC)
Amount : USD 12,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 26/09/98
Date of Maturity : 26/09/99
21. Name : Mr Mukhriz Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 639296 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : M-2074-6219- 332 (E)
Amount : USD 8,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 05/06/97
Date of Maturity : 05/06/99
22. Name : Mr Mukhriz Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 639296 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : DL-6074-3691- 7785 (E)
Amount : USD 3,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 26/09/97
Date of Maturity : 26/09/00
23. Name : Mr Mukhriz Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 639296 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
3 years
Account No : CF-3711-5681- 742 (G)
Amount : S $ 7,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/07/96
Date of Maturity : 06/07/99
24. Name : Ms Melinda Bte Mahathir
Post : Daughter of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 697339 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : EX-6965-7718- 396 (D)
Amount : USD 15,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 19/11/97
Date of Maturity : 19/11/99
25. Name : Ms Melinda Bte Mahathir
Post : Daughter of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 697339 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : FN-1799-6673- 983 (M)
Amount : S $ 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/01/98
Date of Maturity : 21/01/00
Ponder on the amount and think for yourself how could they have acquired these vast amount of wealth just being the wife and children of the PM of Malaysia ????
1. Name : Mr. Hashim Bin Mohamed Ali
Post : Brother-in-law of Prime Minister
Passport No. : C 341872 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : BB-1792-5126- 2197-14 (XD)
Amount : USD 6,600,000.00
Date of opening account : 14/12/96
Date of Maturity : 14/12/98
2. Name : Mr. Hashim Bin Mohamed Ali
Post : Brother-in-law of Prime Minister
Passport No. : C 341872 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : MG-3014-2132- 5188-19 (NF)
Amount : USD 11,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 16/05/97
Date of Maturity : 16/05/00
3. Name : Mr. Hashim Bin Mohamed Ali
Post : Brother-in-law of Prime Minister
Passport No. : C 341872 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : NE-5179-2212- 6125-42 (CE)
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 18/06/98
Date of Maturity : 18/06/00
USD 23,100,00.00
1. Name : Mr. Mohammad Najib Bin Abdul Razak
Post : Minister of Education
Passport No. : D 371981 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Current Account
Account No : E-7194-303-45- G
Amount : USD 7,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 22/12/95
Withdrawal : USD 2,500,000.00 on 10/01/96
Cheque No. F1742330
Withdrawal : USD 1,000,000.00 on 16/03/96
Cheque No. F1742331
Withdrawal : USD 1,000,000.00 on 01/07/96
Cheque No. F1742332
Withdrawal : USD 500,000.00 on 11/06/97
Cheque No. F1742333
2. Name : Mr. Syed Hamid Bin Syed Albar
Post : Minister of Defence
Passport No. : D 691245 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : J-321-3352-339- G
Amount : USD 8,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 14/07/96
Date of Maturity : 14/07/99
3. Name : Mr. Syed Hamid Bin Syed Albar
Post : Minister of Defence
Passport No. : D 691245 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : AC- 4192-443-54- E
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 27/11/96
Date of Maturity : 27/11/99
4. Name : Ms. Rafidah Bte Aziz
Post : Minister of International Trade And Industry
Passport No. : D 391274 (M)
Bank : Bank Of Nova Scotia
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : LA- 7211-3647-341 G
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 10/06/96
Date of Maturity : 10/06/99
5. Name : Ms. Rafidah Bte Aziz
Post : Minister of International Trade And Industry
Passport No. : D 391274 (M)
Bank : Bank Of China
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : CL 4223-6162-47 M
Amount : USD 2,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/09/96
Date of Maturity : 21/09/96
6. Name : Mr. Muhyuddin Bin Yassin
Post : Minister of Youth and Sports
Passport No. : D 512717 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
5 years
Account No : AF- 3712-229-33- Y
Amount : USD 7,700,000.00
Date of opening account : 15/06/96
Date of Maturity : 15/06/01
7. Name : Mr. Megat Junid Bin Megat Ayob
Post : Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs
Passport No. : D 299671 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : F-3091-9211- 39 (O)
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 19/08/96
Date of Maturity : 19/08/99
9. Name : Mr. Mohammad Bin Rahmat
Post : Minister of Information
Passport No. : D 423717 (M)
Bank : Development Bank of Singapore
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : C-2965-173-384- F
Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 29/11/96
Date of Maturity : 29/11/98
10. Name : Mr. Mohammad Bin Rahmat
Post : Minister of Information
Passport No. : D 423717 (M)
Bank : Development Bank of Singapore
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : CA-3129-662- 919-G
Amount : S $ 2,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/03/97
Date of Maturity : 06/03/99
11. Name : Mr. Sabbarudin Bin Chik
Post : Minister of Culture, Arts and Tourism
Passport No. : D 196432 (M)
Bank : Bank of China
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : E-699-3172-982 (B)
Amount : USD 8,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 02/09/96
Date of Maturity : 02/09/99
12. Name : Mr. Mustapa Bin Mohamed
Post : Minister of Entrepreneur
Second Finance Minister
Passport No. : D 862411 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
3 years
Account No : CA-5098-344- 66-D
Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 12/06/96
Date of Maturity : 12/06/99
13. Name : Mr. Mustapa Bin Mohamed
Post : Minister of Entrepreneur
Second Finance Minister
Passport No. : D 862411 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : DD-2141-7922- 549-F
Amount : USD $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/04/97
Date of Maturity : 21/04/99
14. Name : Ms. Siti Zaharah Binti Sulaiman
Post : Deputy Minister of Health
Passport No. : D 594071 (M)
Bank : United Overseas Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : M-3914-7179- 212-D
Amount : S $ 5,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 28/05/97
Date of Maturity : 28/05/99
15. Name : Mr. Tajol Rosli Bin Mohammad Ghazali
Post : Deputy Home Affairs Minister
Passport No. : D 691872 (M)
Bank : Development Bank of Singapore
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : B 1712-341-619- C
Amount : S $ 2,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 29/06/97
Date of Maturity : 29/06/99
16. Name : Mr. Abdul Kadir Bin Sheikh Fadzir
Post : Deputy Minister Human Resources
Passport No. : D 541781 (M)
Bank : Bank of China
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : D 319-2218-512- J
Amount : USD 3,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 28/02/98
Date of Maturity : 28/02/01
17. Name : Mr. Ibrahim Saad
Post : Deputy Minister PM Department
Passport No. : D 891741 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : M 374-6593-88 D
Amount : USD 4,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 08/06/97
Date of Maturity : 08/06/99
18. Name : Mr. Mohamed Nazri Bin Aziz
Post : Deputy Minister PM Department
Passport No. : D 871945 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : BD 5211-7925-8716- 51 MA
Amount : USD 6,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 08/06/97
Date of Maturity : 08/06/99
19. Name : Mr. Mohamad Isa Bin Abdul Samad
Post : Chief Minister of Negeri Sembilan
Passport No. : D 831569 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : E- 6654-662-719- M
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 09/07/96
Date of Maturity : 09/07/99
20. Name : Mr. Mohamad Isa Bin Abdul Samad
Post : Chief Minister of Negeri Sembilan
Passport No. : D 831569 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : J-5152-6161- 311-D
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 24/01/97
Date of Maturity : 24/01/00
21. Name : Mr. Sanusi Bin Junid
Post : Chief Minister of Kedah
Passport No. : D 659711 (M)
Bank : Israel National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : FG 3469-4462-9172 (DE)
Amount : USD 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/09/96
Date of Maturity : 21/09/99
22. Name : Mr. Sanusi Bin Junid
Post : Chief Minister of Kedah
Passport No. : D 659711 (M)
Bank : Israel National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : H 7639-1722-5243 (MG)
Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 09/06/97
Date of Maturity : 09/06/99
23. Name : Mr. Sanusi Bin Junid
Post : Chief Minister of Kedah
Passport No. : D 659711 (M)
Bank : Israel National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
1 years
Account No : DC 7943-7716-2713 33 NB
Amount : S $ 3,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 10/12/97
Date of Maturity : 10/12/98
24. Name : Mr. Abdul Ghani Bin Othmman
Post : Chief Minister of Johore
Passport No. : D 615791 (M)
Bank : Israel National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : GH 1299-4166-339 A
Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 11/06/97
Date of Maturity : 11/06/99
25. Name : Mr. Abdul Ghani Bin Othmman
Post : Chief Minister of Johore
Passport No. : D 615791 (M)
Bank : Israel National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : D 1471-3134-22 F
Amount : S $ 3,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 03/04/97
Date of Maturity : 03/04/99
26. Name : Mr. Ramli Bin Ngah Talib
Post : Chief Minister of Perak
Passport No. : D 774511 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : AB 7193-4111-331 (A)
Amount : S $ 6,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 20/12/96
Date of Maturity : 20/12/98
27. Name : Mr. Abu Zahar Bin Isnin
Post : Chief Minister of Malacca
Passport No. : R 515341 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency
3 years
Account No : FA 9132-3156-212 E
Amount : USD 2,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 11/04/96
Date of Maturity : 11/04/99
28. Name : Mr. Abu Hassan Bin Omar
Post : Chief Minister of Selangor
Passport No. : D 493718 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : M 819-5512-71 D
Amount : USD 3,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/05/97
Date of Maturity : 06/05/99
29. Name : Mr. Abu Hassan Bin Omar
Post : Chief Minister of Selangor
Passport No. : D 493718 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : M 819-5512-71 D
Amount : USD 3,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/05/97
Date of Maturity : 06/05/99
55. 1. Name : Mr. Abdul Aziz Bin Ismail
Post : Chief Private Secretary of PM
Passport No. : R 814239 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
3 years
Account No : GM 5210-6125-8862- 49 DG
Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 10/04/96
Date of Maturity : 10/04/99
56. 2. Name : Mr. Abdul Aziz Bin Shamsuddin
Post : Political Secretary 1 to PM
Passport No. : R 722217 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : HD 4179-2416-3829- 31AD
Amount : USD 3,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/12/96
Date of Maturity : 21/12/98
57. 3. Name : Mr. Mohammad Noordin Bin Bachik
Post : Private Secretary to PM
Passport No. : E 691432 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : SD 3912-4942-6918- 72 DA
Amount : S $ 4,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 03/12/96
Date of Maturity : 03/12/98
In view of the shocking developments as inevitable results of the sudden
oil price hike, I woul like to raise several issues with regards to the
situation in Petronas which I believe most people are not aware of.
This is especially pertinent in the face of several revelations, such as
the fact that the oil wells in Sabah will dry up six years from now.
The issue has also been raised that Petronas "could go bust in 2018",
forcing us to ask: Where have all the huge amounts of Petronas money
gone to?
Had Petronas been managed so badly that despite it being the nation's
biggest money earner, it is now facing the possibility of going bust
(bankrupt)? The first problem with Petronas is the fact that it was
designed to be a secretive organisation. The Petronas agreements have
been classified secret. Why? What clauses are in the agreement that
the people should know? This secrecy also include the secrecy of
Petronas' detailed annual report which is shielded from public scrutiny,
making it an organization without public accountability.
The other shocking revelation that had came to my knowledge is that 80%
of the oil produced by Petronas is not sold directly to the world market
but is channelled through six 'option holders' who obtain the supply
from Petronas below market prices. These option holder agents are the
ones reaping the benefits in the oil price hikes. Who are these people?
Why are there in the first place? Why had such a system been created
for Petronas? Are these people in fact representing certain private
It is also understood that this supply through the option holders is
sold by contracts with a binding agreement for 20 or 30 years, causing
huge losses for Petronas when oil price increases, as Petronas would
then have to continue selling at the old agreed price. Only 20% of
Petronas's supply is sold through direct open bidding. Because of these
arrangements, Petronas is sadly not maximising its revenue by dealing
direct with the open world market. Instead it has been incurring
incalculable losses for the nation and for the people. How much this
monstrous loss is, we will never know.
The Members of Parliament and the state government should boldly raise
up this very important issue in Parliament or directly with the federal
government for the benefit of the oil-producing states. As soon as
possible, leaders of the oil producing states should seek for a review
of the oil royalty rate and push for a differentiation of prices and
benefits for the oil-producing states and the non-oil-producing states.
This review is being offered by the alternative government which is
committed to giving the oil-producing states at least 20% oil royalty.
This is a window of opportunity for all of us to demand for a review of
the Petronas agreements, and to make Petronas more open and transparent.
Parti Keadilan Rakyat also demands that the system of having the six
option holders be abolished. A new system should be created in which
the three oil-producing states are in control of the marketing arm of
Petronas, to make Petronas trade directly in the world market with the
aim of maximising revenue for the benefit of the nation.
Obviously, Petronas is a huge business organisation which is not
accountable, secretive, and has been open to a lot of abuses, including
the decision to use its revenue to bails out various individuals who
faced bankruptcy as results of the Asian economic crisis ten years ago.
It the federal government truly wants to be responsible and accountable
to the people as it claims it wants to be, it can begin to prove its
sincerity for excellent governance by looking into the problems with
oil price hike, I woul like to raise several issues with regards to the
situation in Petronas which I believe most people are not aware of.
This is especially pertinent in the face of several revelations, such as
the fact that the oil wells in Sabah will dry up six years from now.
The issue has also been raised that Petronas "could go bust in 2018",
forcing us to ask: Where have all the huge amounts of Petronas money
gone to?
Had Petronas been managed so badly that despite it being the nation's
biggest money earner, it is now facing the possibility of going bust
(bankrupt)? The first problem with Petronas is the fact that it was
designed to be a secretive organisation. The Petronas agreements have
been classified secret. Why? What clauses are in the agreement that
the people should know? This secrecy also include the secrecy of
Petronas' detailed annual report which is shielded from public scrutiny,
making it an organization without public accountability.
The other shocking revelation that had came to my knowledge is that 80%
of the oil produced by Petronas is not sold directly to the world market
but is channelled through six 'option holders' who obtain the supply
from Petronas below market prices. These option holder agents are the
ones reaping the benefits in the oil price hikes. Who are these people?
Why are there in the first place? Why had such a system been created
for Petronas? Are these people in fact representing certain private
It is also understood that this supply through the option holders is
sold by contracts with a binding agreement for 20 or 30 years, causing
huge losses for Petronas when oil price increases, as Petronas would
then have to continue selling at the old agreed price. Only 20% of
Petronas's supply is sold through direct open bidding. Because of these
arrangements, Petronas is sadly not maximising its revenue by dealing
direct with the open world market. Instead it has been incurring
incalculable losses for the nation and for the people. How much this
monstrous loss is, we will never know.
The Members of Parliament and the state government should boldly raise
up this very important issue in Parliament or directly with the federal
government for the benefit of the oil-producing states. As soon as
possible, leaders of the oil producing states should seek for a review
of the oil royalty rate and push for a differentiation of prices and
benefits for the oil-producing states and the non-oil-producing states.
This review is being offered by the alternative government which is
committed to giving the oil-producing states at least 20% oil royalty.
This is a window of opportunity for all of us to demand for a review of
the Petronas agreements, and to make Petronas more open and transparent.
Parti Keadilan Rakyat also demands that the system of having the six
option holders be abolished. A new system should be created in which
the three oil-producing states are in control of the marketing arm of
Petronas, to make Petronas trade directly in the world market with the
aim of maximising revenue for the benefit of the nation.
Obviously, Petronas is a huge business organisation which is not
accountable, secretive, and has been open to a lot of abuses, including
the decision to use its revenue to bails out various individuals who
faced bankruptcy as results of the Asian economic crisis ten years ago.
It the federal government truly wants to be responsible and accountable
to the people as it claims it wants to be, it can begin to prove its
sincerity for excellent governance by looking into the problems with
Wednesday, August 4, 2010


'WE'VE got to make old people productive and I don't think there should be a retirement age. You work as long as you can work and you'll be healthier and happier for it.
'You ask me to stop working all of a sudden, I think I'd just shrivel up, face the wall and that's that. But I'm still functioning, if not at the rate at which I was functioning, say, 20 years ago ... I have aches and pains, but nothing terminal and I can keep going.
'I think the Japanese solve it by giving the old people robots and gadgets to work with. So they are still productive. They take less pay.
'Now this is where, in Singapore , it becomes very painful. You are (a) superior, suddenly your junior overtakes your position and you have less pay and he is the boss. So they find the psychological switch unpleasant.
'I think we have to develop that approach to life: You've reached the maximum you can do at your age in that position, you move sideways and you take less pay and you move gradually to less and less pay because you are moving slower and slower, especially if you are doing physical work.
'But that's very hard to get across and many of our workers have preferred retirement and then they die early. If you keep doing what you were doing for almost the whole of your life, the chances are you will stay interested and engaged.
'There's something to do tomorrow and you keep going. If you start saying 'Oh, I'm old' and you start reading novels or playing golf or playing chess or Scrabble, you're on your way down.'
-MM Lee, who is 86, when asked for his comments on how an ageing population might affect the push for higher productivity
What do I get for paying toll everyday?
Now I have to pay an extra RM50 for each credit card. For what?
Extra GST (goods and services tax). Again, how does that benefit me?
Look at the long list:
I have to pay for security guards because the police are hopeless.
I have to install filters because the water supply is dirty.
I have to watch satellite tv because the government broadcasts crap. I mean REAL crAP !!
Many kids have to go for tuition or to private schools because the government schools are bad.
We have to pay IPPs (independent power providers) because the government cannot provide consistent electricity.
We have to pay Indah Water to clean up the sewers.
We have to pay tax on foreign cars because Mahathir wants to keep his dying local car industry alive. ON top of it APs cost bcoz of his cronies.
Most have to drive because the government cannot provide good public transport.
We have to pay to sustain the government's affirmative action policies.
We have to pay for private health care because the public hospitals are crowded .
All in all, we have to pay a PREMIUM to stay in this country!
1Malaysia Boleh!!!
But how is it that Opposition State Government in Penang can give her citizens free internet access within one year in Government , while BN Government in power since Independence cannot do it?
What do I get for paying toll everyday?
Now I have to pay an extra RM50 for each credit card. For what?
Extra GST (goods and services tax). Again, how does that benefit me?
Look at the long list:
I have to pay for security guards because the police are hopeless.
I have to install filters because the water supply is dirty.
I have to watch satellite tv because the government broadcasts crap. I mean REAL crAP !!
Many kids have to go for tuition or to private schools because the government schools are bad.
We have to pay IPPs (independent power providers) because the government cannot provide consistent electricity.
We have to pay Indah Water to clean up the sewers.
We have to pay tax on foreign cars because Mahathir wants to keep his dying local car industry alive. ON top of it APs cost bcoz of his cronies.
Most have to drive because the government cannot provide good public transport.
We have to pay to sustain the government's affirmative action policies.
We have to pay for private health care because the public hospitals are crowded .
All in all, we have to pay a PREMIUM to stay in this country!
1Malaysia Boleh!!!
But how is it that Opposition State Government in Penang can give her citizens free internet access within one year in Government , while BN Government in power since Independence cannot do it?
Pak Lah, Najib and Samy V were patrolling in a helicopter
Samy: "If I drop a piece of RM1000 note from here, the person that picks it up must be very happy"
Najib: "if I throw two pieces of RM500notes down, it will make
2 person happy"
Pak Lah: "if I drop TEN pieces of RM100notes, there will be 10
happy people"
The pilot murmuring to himself:
"why don't all of you just jump down from here, that makes 25 million people happy"
Samy V wish to enhance his reputation by publishing a series of stamps with his portraits 1 month after the launch, Samy surveys its sales Post Office Chief:::"not bad... but quite number of complaints
that the glue is not strong enough"
Samy: :"really...?"
He spits at the back of the stamp and sticks the stamp on an envelope
"the glue is ok" Post Office Chief:: "but... every one spits on the face of the stamp ...."
Midnight, Najib went for supper and bumped into a robber
Robber: "give me all your money!!"
Najib was very angry:"I am the honorable Deputy Prime Minister! " Better behave yourself"
Robber:: " well, then ... return all my money"
One fine day, PM and parliament members were on the way to a meeting where they all crashed into an accident and being rushed to the hospital.
The reporters were at the hospital, the doctor shook his head "we have done our best to rescue the PM but ..."
Reporters:"How about Najib?"
Doctor:"we were unable to rescue him either ..."
Reporters:"who have you saved?"
The doctor was excited: "Malaysia is saved now"
Samy V visited the psychiatric hospital. All the patients hurray
for him but there is one patient who ignored Samy,
Samy:"why does he not welcome me?"
Doc: "He is normal today (not insane)
JOKE NO. 6. Election campaign time -- accident
A farmer saw and rushed to the scene but all the passengers were dead.
He buried all the passengers (politicians).
Few days later, the police in charge
found the farmer and asked where all the politicians were,
"Have they all died?"
Farmer:" hmmm, Samy was screaming that he is still alive when I buried him"
Police: " why you buried him anyway?"
Farmer: "because Samy never tells the truth"
Pak Lah, Najib and Samy V were patrolling in a helicopter
Samy: "If I drop a piece of RM1000 note from here, the person that picks it up must be very happy"
Najib: "if I throw two pieces of RM500notes down, it will make
2 person happy"
Pak Lah: "if I drop TEN pieces of RM100notes, there will be 10
happy people"
The pilot murmuring to himself:
"why don't all of you just jump down from here, that makes 25 million people happy"
Samy V wish to enhance his reputation by publishing a series of stamps with his portraits 1 month after the launch, Samy surveys its sales Post Office Chief:::"not bad... but quite number of complaints
that the glue is not strong enough"
Samy: :"really...?"
He spits at the back of the stamp and sticks the stamp on an envelope
"the glue is ok" Post Office Chief:: "but... every one spits on the face of the stamp ...."
Midnight, Najib went for supper and bumped into a robber
Robber: "give me all your money!!"
Najib was very angry:"I am the honorable Deputy Prime Minister! " Better behave yourself"
Robber:: " well, then ... return all my money"
One fine day, PM and parliament members were on the way to a meeting where they all crashed into an accident and being rushed to the hospital.
The reporters were at the hospital, the doctor shook his head "we have done our best to rescue the PM but ..."
Reporters:"How about Najib?"
Doctor:"we were unable to rescue him either ..."
Reporters:"who have you saved?"
The doctor was excited: "Malaysia is saved now"
Samy V visited the psychiatric hospital. All the patients hurray
for him but there is one patient who ignored Samy,
Samy:"why does he not welcome me?"
Doc: "He is normal today (not insane)
JOKE NO. 6. Election campaign time -- accident
A farmer saw and rushed to the scene but all the passengers were dead.
He buried all the passengers (politicians).
Few days later, the police in charge
found the farmer and asked where all the politicians were,
"Have they all died?"
Farmer:" hmmm, Samy was screaming that he is still alive when I buried him"
Police: " why you buried him anyway?"
Farmer: "because Samy never tells the truth"
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